The new debate seems to be are the Occupy Wall Street and End the Fed movements being taken over and if so by whom? This is proving to be a difficult question to answer and I will tell you why. The grassroots movements cannot be taken over as they are made up of individuals acting in coordination with one another. Look at it like this, if every communist and socialist comes to the rallies trying to take over, when their failure finally forces them to return home, nothing they say or do is going to stop we as individuals from voting Ron Paul into office, restoring our Republic, and driving the communist and socialists out with the rest of the scum.
Michele Bachmann says that the Occupy Wall Street and End the Fed protests have nothing in common with the Tea Party protests. And speaking from her perspective as a neo-con trying to claim the Tea Party as her own, she is right. The social communists and the neo-cons have absolutely nothing to do with the grassroots patriotic movement and we are going to show them just how insignificant they all are when the 2012 election rolls around.
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