Okay 99ers; let’s see where we stand today. Our champion, Barbara Lee, in seeing that she is completely impotent in the realm of political shakers, has decided to join the Barry Soetoro status quo and begin working on dividing the people by race. I see you Barbara Lee, and I know what you are doing and it’s not going to work. The problem of unemployment is not one of race. And you are not going to convince the unemployed Americans of darker skin to remove themselves from our united force with your promise of a socialist utopia.
We are all; red, yellow, black, white, cowboy, hippy, rebel, yank; patriots and will pass on the dog food your socialism offers preferring the steak our Constitution insures. You are a traitor, not only to your country but to your people. And some day you will be punished for your crimes, maybe sooner than you think.
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