#PatriotLivesMatter: Betrayal Behind Oregon Shooting

Daily Headlines – by Culture Vigilante

By now just about everyone who has been following the Oregon standoff has seen the edited video, as previously reported on DH. As details unfold a number of questions arise as to the ambush of the parties on their way to a public meeting, and the use of force used by law enforcement that killed Finicum. While an argument can always be made the group broke certain laws or overstepped the boundaries of propriety, their actions amounted to little more than civil disobedience. A carefully orchestrated and forceful raid was executed which ended in a man being brutally killed while displaying no aggression to law enforcement. Who were the key players in this ambush? It’s always the ones you trust the most.  

Here’s the enhanced version of the video.

Screen Shot 2016-01-29 at 4.20.07 PM

Why would a constitutional sheriff, who openly expressed support for the armed militia members initiative be standing at a road block during a carefully orchestrated operation to apprehend them?

The occupiers, militia, militants or any other names used to describe the group, were on their way to a public meeting in John Day, Oregon, where they thought they were meeting with the Grant County Sheriff, Glenn Palmer, and a group of supporters, when they were ambushed on highway 395 outside of Burns, Oregon. Were they ambushed and betrayed by the “so called” constitutional sheriff, himself.

These are photos of Glenn Palmer, rifle in hand, standing at a road block along highway 395.



Grant county Sheriff Sheriff Glenn Palmer, left, is one of the officers where Highway 395 iss blocked at Seneca between John Day and Burns by Oregon State police officers the evening of Tuesday, January 26, 2016. Dave Killen / staff

It was common knowledge that The Bundy brothers, Finicum and others had plans to attend the meeting at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday evening as it was published in the Oregonian.

But LaVoy Finicum, an Arizona rancher who often speaks for the refuge occupiers, said that Ammon Bundy, his brother, and Ryan Payne planned to attend the John Day meeting. Finicum said he would attend too.

Finicum said he expected Bundy and the others to put on the same presentation they gave two weeks ago in the small Harney County community of Crane. There, attendees got lectures on the Constitution and reasons why local ranchers should renounce their federal grazing privileges.

Previous conversations with the group also led them to believe they had some common ground with the Grant County sheriff.

Ryan Payne and Jon Ritzheimer, two leaders of the occupation, attended a lunch in John Day with about 10 local residents. Palmer was called to the lunch, but said he didn’t know ahead of time who was there.

He stayed for the lunch and then joined the group when it adjourned to meet in private at a nearby business.

Ritzheimer said that as the meeting ended, Palmer pulled out his pocket version of the U.S. Constitution.

He had the two militants autograph it, Ritzheimer said.

“We shared similar ideas about where we’re at” in the country, Payne said.

“The sheriff has a practical plan for helping unravel the federal government,” Payne said. He said the militants didn’t ask Palmer to provide sanctuary or any other help to the protesters. He said when Palmer asked if he should visit the occupiers at the refuge, he advised the sheriff he would have to do so independently of his public role since he wouldn’t have authority in Harney County.

And then….

Two days or so after that lunch, Payne returned for a second meeting with Palmer. Other law enforcement officials said Ammon Bundy also met with Palmer, but the sheriff said in an email on Monday that “I never met with Ammon Bundy.”

Perhaps what further fostered trust by the group was this…

Palmer is aligned with the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association, a national nonprofit which interprets the constitution to severely limit federal government powers. Palmer was the association’s first “Constitutional Sheriff of the Year” in 2011 and now serves on its advisory board.

He often speaks critically of the federal government, particularly the U.S. Forest Service, which is a major land owner in his county.

“The only thing that is out of control is the federal government,” Palmer said in a 2011 speech in California to a group considering constitutional issues.

“I am not a public employee. I am a public servant,” said Palmer.

NewsFix reported Palmer also vocalized support for the armed militia.

Now, local law enforcement could be making the situation even more tense. The sheriff of nearby Grant County, Glenn Palmer, is speaking out in support of the armed militia.

Additionally, in order to sway public opinion to turn against the group, The FBI released a supposedly unedited video of the events of Lavoy Tinicum’s death

Here in this previously reported eye witnessed testimony, you will hear that the group is on its way to meet the sheriff.

What you will also hear is that Ryan Payne exited the truck in order to attempt to convince FBI to allow the women to leave the truck, safely. At no time do you see Ryan Payne exit the truck in this FBI “full and unedited video.” The supposed unedited FBI video only clearly shows 3 other people, besides Finicum, exiting the truck when the eye witness testimony tells that 5 people were in the truck.

At 2:40 the camera suddenly zooms out of view of the white truck, and doesn’t regain contact with the truck until 3:37. In the lower right corner you briefly see someone (presumably Payne) being taken away with cuffed hands over his head at 3:56. There is no visual on the truck when the witness testified the FBI shot at Ryan Payne when he stuck his head and arms out the window to get the FBI’s attention in requesting the women be released from the truck.

Here’s the FBI unedited version of the video. Was it really unedited?

It’s very interesting that two credible eye witness accounts came from Lisa Bundy, wife of Ammon, and Victoria Sharp, who was in the first truck. Bundy, who was in the second truck, called his wife after arrest and gave the same accounting of events to her as she told them to the public. The two were in different vehicles and had no opportunity to converse, to get their stories straight before Bundy’s arrest.

Also, in addition to the afore mentioned “relationship,” falsely portrayed between Palmer and the group, the FBI allowed them to move freely throughout the community without obstruction. Thus creating a false sense of security. After all, there was no violence initiated by the group and all interactions with law enforcement were peaceful.

So, that brings us back to our original question. Why did the FBI feel the need to orchestrate such an elaborate operation to apprehend the group. They could have picked them up at any time during the last weeks before the standoff on highway 395.  Why such a show of strength and violence if they didn’t intend to use deadly force all along? It would appear law enforcement had a carefully planned scheme for some time before they took Finicum’s life. Remember that many in Oregon were also at the Bundy ranch during the BLM standoff. And while it may not be clear who they targeted for aggression, maybe Finicum was just unlucky, but they definitely had an ambush plan, and a point to prove.

The search for Constitutional Sheriffs seems to be at an impasse in Oregon because it appears you can’t trust just anyone who spouts a good old fashioned “Yankee-doodle,” if they’re wearing a badge. It might have played a major part in getting Levoy Finicum killed.



3 thoughts on “#PatriotLivesMatter: Betrayal Behind Oregon Shooting

  1. “A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague.” – Cicero

    1. Thanks for this.
      It’s an incredibly important statement.
      And one of my favorites.
      A traitor is by definition “a domestic enemy”.
      “A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague.”

      1. “A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague.”

        By the very nature of their crime, all traitors are murderers, either directly or indirectly.

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