Speaker Nancy Pelosi will not hand over video coverage and emails from Jan 6 per a FOIA request. Pelosi based her decision on “sovereign immunity.” Pelosi and Democrats know if they release the 14,000 hours of footage from security cameras on January 6 it will blow apart their narrative. So she is hiding it.
Meanwhile, dozens of Trump supporters are rotting in a jail one mile from the US Capitol waiting for a fair trial which they won’t get because their evidence will be hidden from the American public.
We are dealing with evil here.
Michael LaChance writing at American Lookout reports:
There are hours upon hours of video footage of what happened on January 6th. Some of it could be used in the defense of Trump supporters who are currently sitting in jail.
Yet Nancy Pelosi won’t release it, even after she was taken to court.
There are apparently emails too, and she won’t release those either.
What is going on here? How is this legal?
Judicial Watch reports:
Pelosi Congress Claims Sovereign Immunity in Federal Court to Keep Secret January 6 Videos and Emails
Judicial Watch explains its request:
Congress exempts itself from the Freedom of Information Act. Judicial Watch, therefore, brought its lawsuit under the common law right of access to public records. In opposing the broad assertion of secrecy, Judicial Watch details Supreme Court and other precedent that upholds the public’s right to know what “their government is up to”…
…“The Pelosi Congress (and its police department) is telling a federal court it is immune from all transparency under law and is trying to hide every second of its January 6 videos and countless emails,” stated Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “The hypocrisy is rich, as this is the same Congress that is trying to jail witnesses who, citing privileges, object to providing documents to the Pelosi rump January 6 committee.”
In November 2021, Judicial Watch revealed multiple audio, visual and photo records from the DC Metropolitan Police Department about the shooting death of Ashli Babbitt on January 6, 2021, in the U.S. Capitol Building. The records include a cell phone video of the shooting and an audio of a brief police interview of the shooter, Lt. Michael Byrd. In October, Judicial Watch released records, showing that multiple officers claimed they didn’t see a weapon in Babbitt’s hand before Byrd shot her, and that Byrd was visibly distraught afterward. One officer attested that he didn’t hear any verbal commands before Byrd shot Babbitt.
Judicial Watch is filing another lawsuit in response to Pelosi’s attempt to keep her lies about setting up innocent Trump supporters secret.
Hundreds of Americans have been wrongly set up, indicted, and charged with crimes they didn’t commit on Jan 6 at the US Capitol. A list of those Americans and their stories is maintained at American Gulog by this site.
One man committed suicide because of the actions and charges against him. Four more Trump supporters were killed on that day.
Pelosi doesn’t care. She has no concern for the Americans rotting in prisons without trial. She has no concern about the future of this nation.
the ‘ol “if you did nothing wrong, or weren’t lying through your wooden teeth , why you hiding the truth” huh Pelosi ?
F@#k Jewditial watch and F#$k Tom Fitton. All operating under the Queens law. Fitton is an esquire!
Nancy is a drunken moron, passing herself off as an elitist beotch.
“What goes around, comes around.”
So, its fine if you, the Queen
BWitch use the ‘Sovereign’ card, but not anyone else? Me thinks not.