Pence tamps down rally-goer’s talk of anti-Clinton revolution

Politico – by Ben Weyl

NEWTON, IOWA — Mike Pence sought to dissuade a supporter from advocating a “revolution” if Hillary Clinton wins the election, urging her at a campaign rally Tuesday to drop such talk.

Amid cheers from the crowd, an attendee told Pence she was deeply afraid of voter fraud in the presidential election and suggested extreme measures.  

“Our lives depend on this election. Our kids’ futures depend on this election,” she continued. “For me personally, if Hillary Clinton gets in, I myself am ready for a revolution.”

Donald Trump’s vice presidential running mate immediately pushed back on that sentiment. “No, don’t say that,” he said, urging her to pull back from the “revolution” comment.

The woman responded: “I’m just saying it. … You know, I’m like Trump.”

Pence promised a revolution of a different sort. “There’s a revolution coming on November the eighth, I promise you.”

The woman then demanded to know what would be done to safeguard votes,

The Indiana governor then noted that elections are administered at the state level and encouraged people to get involved in the electoral process if they are concerned with voter fraud, perhaps as a poll watcher.

“The right to vote is a sacred right that was won and was protected by these men and women in uniform,” he said.

Madeline Conway contributed to this report.

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8 thoughts on “Pence tamps down rally-goer’s talk of anti-Clinton revolution

  1. O my, follow the read more link at the bottom of the article then click the comment icon on the left side of the page and prepare to be blown away, I’ve never seen comments like this from the left, its definitely worth checking out.
    Two words the establishment hates, boycotts and militia.

    1. Unable to open the comments now, even with 3 browsers used. Makes me wonder if they killed it – which wouldn’t surprise me

  2. A poll watcher? WTF?
    Like it’s possible to see the ones and zeros changed in a few nanoseconds in the electronic voting machines.
    Plus a poll (pole?) watcher sounds like a politician at a strip club.

  3. sounds like shes awake..

    and maybe her narrative needs to be pushed more for these jackholes to take us and folks like her seriously

    we are on the cusp of a revolution weather the politicians like the feel of that or not..they created it

  4. Their belief that there is an”election” and “candidates” only proves they are still able to be controlled to provide the standard problem/reaction/solution provided by the govt.

    As long as their indignant outrage can be channeled via engineered circumstances, they will continue to be tools of the occupied state. It will not be organic and successful but WILL be used against US, once again.

  5. Pence can’t have anyone going after his buddies Clinton and the rest of the fake right/left. Why they could find out in the end that he was in on the game the whole time and string him up too. Any thinking person knows the only answer to induce liberty in this nation is violent and terrible revolution. Only exterminating the ruling class and all of those who may pick up their torch is sufficient. I’m not religious, but the Bible advocates wiping out entire families for a reason. It eliminates the faction, there will be no blood reprisals. Anything short of that is a dog and pony show to placate the useful idiots.

  6. “The Indiana governor then noted that elections are administered at the state level and encouraged people to get involved in the electoral process if they are concerned with voter fraud, perhaps as a poll watcher.”


    Yea, I think we tried that last election with Ron Paul and we all know how that turned out, Pence. Your Republican boys decided to steal all of his votes and/or “misplace them” and chose to ignore, restrain and/or arrest the delegates and then decided that Mitt Romney needed to be in there and not Ron Paul at the RNC. Then you never bothered to do anything when it was Mitt Romney against Barry when We the People tried tell you and everyone else that our votes were being changed right in front of our eyes from Mitt Romney to Barry after hitting “enter” and you said, “Don’t worry, it cast the right one that you wanted”. Even the MSM reporters were surprised Barry won when they announced the winner and had the look of shock on their faces.

    Yea, watching at the state level will most definitely do something. 🙄 (sarcasm)

    “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”. Albert Einstein.

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