People are now giving each other BJ’s and pissing on each other in the streets of SF. With children passing through. And the cops refuse to police this pedophilic behavior. Like I said, the line moving once, allows the line to be moved infinitely.

10 thoughts on “People are now giving each other BJ’s and pissing on each other in the streets of SF. With children passing through. And the cops refuse to police this pedophilic behavior. Like I said, the line moving once, allows the line to be moved infinitely.

  1. Bill of Rights, Article 4, if enforced, would protect me from demeaning public displays. Is that arbitrary? I mean would they sell the assertion that what one finds demeaning, another finds uplifting? How do I define this as infringement? Age requirement? Well, it’s an open neighborhood so children are around. Is it passive or aggressive? Well, it’s passive-aggressive to me, like they’re saying, “You will accept my moral code!!” No I will not!! And how cool are the cops, who are so woke, they just let it all happen. Cool is code for corrupt, but so is cop. Well, we now know who’s runnin’ the neighborhood.


    1. Beyond exposing this to children who are not yet intellectually or emotionally developed, and who would likely be scarred by such a display, I am still struggling to define the infringement. I do feel profoundly infringed upon but I do not know how to put it in words. Any help out there?


  2. It’s all going to hell. People have lost their minds, or better put, have had their minds stolen. A brainwash is complete when you don’t know you’re a slave. I heard someone say, “It’s like paying the cannibals to eat you last.”

    I wonder what they think is to be gained from all this sexual debauchery. It can’t just be about pleasure!! There are the demeaning aspects that seem to get some off. To accept being demeaned is to believe you are worthless, without value or purpose. You are a slave. And when your usefulness is over, you are to be consumed by the cannibals.


    1. Now you’re really getting to the meat in the sandwich galen. This is ALL the result of the very organized jewish psychological warfare that they’ve been waging for centuries. It’s all coming to fruition for them now, or so they believe. The defective behavior presented above would always have been met with very swift action to end it ASAP & remove its stain from our midst up until a relatively very short time ago. Why isn’t that people’s reaction now? Is it because they themselves are mentally corrupted or simply because they are in fact slaves who believe they have no power to do so? It’s probably a combination of both with most people unfortunately. We know there are many people who have always resisted evil to varying degrees but when do they decide it’s actually time to turn it all around & DO something about it?

      And just a thought on the “doing”. We all know that probably the main issue here is one of cohesiveness or maybe even at some stage, organization. I’m not going to pretend to know how to solve that or even start to take on the subject of how it happens but it strikes me that we don’t all have to agree with each other on EVERYTHING before necessary action starts taking place. I thought about writing more on this but that’s really all that needs to be said here else the core thought gets lost amidst everyone’s differing personal opinions about how any of this might happen or even why it should or shouldn’t. There’s probably several ways to skin a rat (more applicable than “cat” here!) but they’re all similar actions using the same sort of tools to achieve the same goal.

      1. Yeah, and I think of their 2030 timeline: The Graat Reset (that they’ve been kinda quiet about lately) and the infamous rebuilding of their Third Temple. But free humanity has plans too, as you mention above. Timelines just ain’t universal.

        And here we are.


  3. That frikkin’ vid. Obscenity taking a quantum leap. Sometimes I think those who bring this about are all having a summit behind closed doors. It’s a big bagel round-table and they’re brain-storming, even though they don’t really have functioning brains. The leader says, “Okay fellas, what can we hit ’em with in the morning? Can we do more to shock them? More to disgust them?”

    Some folks now say they just can’t be shocked anymore. I am not in that club. I still get shocked and stabbed when they take precious life and corrupt it into a decaying depravity.


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