6 thoughts on “Police across America are tracking our every movement

  1. Al Jazeera is no different than CNN, MSNBC, etc. etc.

    This is just another propaganda piece produced to help Americans accept the encroaching tyranny. It describes “data abuse” as being limited to a few rouge cops, and goes on to tell us how the license plate readers are solving murders, protecting kids, blah, blah, blah.

    Bend over and take it. Deeper and deeper. That’s what happens to little sissies who refuse to stand up for their rights, and this little video will provide you with ways to justify it in your own mind.

    That’s right. You’re sacrificing your freedom to “protect the children” and to “save lives.” BS.

    We don’t need cops AT ALL. We don’t need ANY surveillance. What we do need is for every American male to actually posses a pair of huevos, so they can defend themselves, and their rights WITHOUT depending on their government to do it for them.

    American men have been completely feminized by pampered, luxurious lives, and endless fag-promoting propaganda. If the TV told them “real men wear this kind of make-up and these pink panties”, they’d dress as they were told and feel very macho for it, while continuing to make excuses for why there’s no need for them to defend themselves from tyranny.

    It’s difficult to de-program a brainwashed population. Most Americans are, as B.F. Skinner predicted, “Beyond Freedom and Dignity”. (that’s the title of a book on behaviorism that you might find interesting)

  2. Man if that leo gets any fatter he wont be able to get in his squad car anymore. Were gonna half to get a specially designed vehicle for his convenience.

  3. No problem.

    There’s a helluva lot fewer of them to keep track of, and I’m sure there are certain individuals/groups doing just that.

    At least I’d like to think so.

  4. But have they solved the case of the missing 2.3 trillion rumsfeld spoke of on 9/10 /01?. I love it :People feeding on people they feel they can feed upon. I can see many instances of this Dielectric everywhere and money is the main vehicle of these sick bastards’s oppression.

    Greatest country in the world being reduced to a shallow meaningless party

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