Police get into a Standoff with a Life-Size Stormtrooper Statue

97X – by Michaels

Hey, the good thing about getting into a shootout with a stormtrooper is you know they’ll miss.

The California Highway Patrol tried to pull over a Ford Mustang for speeding on Sunday night, but the driver sped off. He wound up pulling over on a side street and he and his passenger ran away on foot, but the cops quickly tracked them down.  

There was still a guy in the backseat of the car, though. The cops repeatedly told him to come out, but he wouldn’t move.

So the cops slowly approached the car with their guns drawn and they found the “guy” in the backseat was actually a life-size statue of a “Star Wars” stormtrooper.

Now the cops are trying to figure out if it was stolen.

Read more at ABC 10 – San Diego.


2 thoughts on “Police get into a Standoff with a Life-Size Stormtrooper Statue

  1. I’ll take Stormtroopers over pigs any day.

    At least they’re straight-up killers… NOT liars, wife-beaters, rapists, pedophiles, etc., etc., etc.

    Kill them, or be killed by them, and leave all the rest of that evil sh#t out of the equation.

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