Portland ANTIFA drapes U.S. flag over George Washington statue, burns it

Intillihub – by Shepard Ambellas

PORTLAND, Ore. (INTELLIHUB) — Police were nowhere to be found as ANTIFA hooligans draped a United States flag over a statue of George Washington on Thursday and set it on fire.

A message spray-painted on the statue reads: “Genocidal colonists” and “f**k cops.”

Twitter user @MrAndyNgo captured the action on video and Tweeted out the following: “Antifa rioters on Sandy Blvd. in Portland draped a US flag over a George Washington statue & set it on fire. They then toppled the statue. “Genocidal colonist” & “f— cops” are sprayed on monument. Rioters have began to build another autonomous zone nearby.”


2 thoughts on “Portland ANTIFA drapes U.S. flag over George Washington statue, burns it

  1. To Portland’s neighbor to the north:

    “HEY Seattle communists!! You don’t like the existing system, so you used violence to colonize other peoples’ lands. Congratulations!! You are now Christopher Columbus.”
    — Author Unknown


  2. Genocidal colonials, eh? Since you all want to genocide whites, I guess it takes one to know one….and if you try that crap out here, watch out for leones del montanas….sorry but my tilde key doesn’t work well…..Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah!

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