7 thoughts on “Pres. Obama responds after being briefed on #SanBernardino shooting

  1. “We should never think this is something that happens in the ordinary course of events”
    WTH kind of Orwellian speak is this crap?!!

    One of the tweets said false flag, got a thinking tweeter.

    1. Hi Katie,

      This is an example of “Associative Speak”.

      NOT that I have been reading the Declaration Of Independence lately or anything like that lately! (… because these commies NEVER listen to our show!..), but this is clearly an attempt to “associate” this Gov’t Op (False-Flag, Balck Op, etc) as a real shooting event with the opening phrase of the most important declaration ever uttered in human history…

      “In Congress, July 4, 1776, The Unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America

      When in the course of human events….”

      Funny how I have read this several times in the last couple of weeks,… and viola!,… here it is all twisted and putrified by POS Sotoro (CIA Bitch Name: Barrack Obama.)

      JD – When have you ever heard this zionist turd speak like that before? Clearly, this is meant to reflect on the Declaration Of Independence.


      1. Oh, darn JD, are you telling me he was actually attempting to quote the Dec. of Ind. and screwed it all up. Ok, now it makes sense. He left out the word human, perhaps since it’s he and his masters of whom are not human. Geeze who knows.

  2. of course there’s a pattern when they are being orchestrated ..bah..arrest all the treasonous lunatics already.

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