President Donald Trump says he believes torture works

BBC News

US President Donald Trump has said he believes torture works, saying “we have to fight fire with fire”.

Mr Trump told ABC News he would consult Defense Secretary James Mattis and CIA director Mike Pompeo about what could be done legally to combat radicalism.

The president said while radical groups beheaded people in the Middle East “we’re not playing on an even field”.  

However, ex-CIA director Leon Panetta said it would be a “serious mistake to take a backward step” on torture.

Mr Trump said he wanted to “keep our country safe”.

“When they’re shooting, when they’re chopping off the heads of our people and other people, when they’re chopping off the heads of people because they happen to be a Christian in the Middle East, when Isis is doing things that nobody has ever heard of since Medieval times, would I feel strongly about waterboarding?” he said.

“I have spoken with people at the highest level of intelligence and I asked them the question ‘Does it work? Does torture work?’ and the answer was ‘Yes, absolutely’.

He continued: “They chop them off and they put them on camera and send them all over the world. So we have that and we’re not allowed to do anything?

“I will rely on Pompeo and Mattis and my group and if they don’t want to do it that’s fine. If they do want to do then I will work toward that end.

“I want to do everything within the bounds of what you’re allowed to do legally but do I feel it works? Absolutely I feel it works.”

Mr Trump indicated in a TV debate during the Republican presidential race that he might order troops to carry out water-boarding “and tougher” on terrorism suspects.

But he later softened his stance, saying he would not order the military to break international law.

Water-boarding is the practice of pouring water over someone’s face to mimic drowning as an interrogation tactic.

It is widely considered as a form of torture and has been banned by the US.

Mr Panetta told the 100 Days programme on BBC World News: “The reality is we really don’t need to use enhanced interrogation in order to get the information that is required.

“General Mattis believes that, others in the intelligence business believe that, and the FBI believes that, so I think it would be a mistake to go back to that.

“I think it could be damaging in terms of our image to the rest of the world.”


13 thoughts on “President Donald Trump says he believes torture works

  1. Trump, you better wake up to who funded ISIS. There is way to much info. out here among the people who know exactly how this all got to going. We are sick of the continuous bs this criminal corp. of which you are now CEO, continues to do in the name of safety, etc., when really you are just a conquering for wealth, at the expense of others lives, criminal enterprise. The only terrorists I’m concerned about are those posing as the American govt. and all of your illegitimate agencies. IRS, FBI, CIA, SWAT, POLICE, FISH AND WILD LIFE, , etc., etc..

    1. Hi Katie,

      Trump knows who funds and controls all these “terrorist” organizations,…. hell,.. some of those “secret” documents he signed were to make sure they keep getting paid!

      Terrorist Organizations: There is NO such thing as an organic terrorist organization,.. they are ALL organs of the state,… bar none, and as such,… demonstrates the EFIO and Zionist-jew-scum’s understanding of Carl Von Clausewitz who stated, the use of terror in war is always justified.

      We are at war,… the enslavers against the Free Peoples of the world.

      JD – US Marines – Their objectives are simple, global enslavement, but their techniques are quite sophisticated.


  2. This is one of my biggest problems with Trump. Even if torture DID work, that doesn’t make it morally acceptable. Raping the children of suspected terrorists might also get them to talk — would Trump also approve of that practice? I bet he might.

    Trump, you dumbass, here’s a newsflash for you: Whatever we do to them, they have the right to do back to us. If they do start torturing prisoners again (assuming they ever stopped), then US officials lose the right to complain when captured American military personnel and/or tourists are also subjected to “enhanced interrogation” (what an idiotic euphemism).

    If there’s one thing America needs, it’s a return to our founding principles. All Americans should embrace them with NO exceptions — especially not on account of terrorism, the threat from which has been LUDICROUSLY over-hyped for nearly two decades now.

    *** “I think it could be damaging in terms of our image to the rest of the world.” ***

    Honestly, I’m not sure our image around the world could get any worse. But it sure as hell won’t get better if we keep on our current path.

  3. My Fellow Americans:

    “US President Donald Trump has said he believes torture works…”

    Comment: Of course it works!!!,… The use of torture is to spread terror,…. which every King, Lord, Military Governor, Tyrant, Dictator, Usurper, Despot thru all of human history,…. and EVERY American President knows,… hence why they employ it so freely!

    JD – US Marines – Donald Trump is being advised by someone that knows their Carl Von Clausewitz, who fundamentally stated: “…. The use of terror in war,… is justified”. Sounds like they are preparing to use “terror” on the American peoples.


  4. This is what “Drumpf said in campaign…”First, he is learning. During his campaign he said he would bring back torture for terror suspects; but later on Nov. 19 he said that after talking to Mattis, he was influenced by the general’s opinion that torture does not work. Second, he is trying to be able to obtain concessions from his interlocutors, in line with the demands of U.S. interests.

    Now, for those ‘traitors’ like Joe McNeil, they can join this POS Drumpf & can kiss our ass…Drumpf will say any fn thing to get elected like ‘good old boy bama … change you can count on and ‘drain the swamp’ but…these fkrs are from a dark, deceitful, bottomless pit…they are snakes who crawl on their bellies, creeping into silly women’s houses and men who believe their horseshit have become women! These morons from hell are creating opposition forces…libtard and Reptiles to create the same condition as Nazi Germany vs Russia in WWII but within America…get ready for the fireworks as these two moronic braindead reptards fight it out.

    1. …”but later on Nov. 19 he said that after talking to Mattis, he was influenced by the general’s opinion that torture does not work.”
      This is exactly what came to mind when I read this article. Sounds like typical flip flopping strategy.

  5. What a dickwad. “but do I feel it works?” “Absolutely I feel it works.”

    Good ole “Torture Boy” will personally take care of the testicle squeezing with a brand new vise grip design. “I’m a hands on type of guy!’

    Yes, let’s devolve to barbarism. Trump, he’s looking more like a knuckledragger every day.

  6. Anyone who says torture doesn’t work has never been abused sexually, physically, psychologically, emotionally, or spiritually, has never been in a cult, has never been human trafficked, has never seen the evil. I was close to being tortured once and is a huge reason I believe in God and Jesus Christ–I believe They saved me for some purpose, a course I think I am on now with my writings. That said, knowing it works doesn’t mean one should take part in it, for any reason. Especially if you are funding these “chopping off heads” folks, eh Trump? God, Whom you claim to believe in, will NOT be mocked!

  7. “The Decline of the European Witch Hunts

    Witch-hunts sometimes ended because many people feared they were going too far and innocent people were being executed. Witch trials became more rigorous and higher standards of evidence were demanded.

    More and more people in the 17th century and early 18th century opposed the use of torture to obtain confessions, not necessarily because it was cruel but because it was not a reliable way of gaining information. Increasingly judges, would not accept confessions unless they were voluntary and not obtained by torture.”

  8. They would use the nutcracker on the German’s in the Nuremburg Trials and they confessed to any crime the filthy Jews could invent.

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