President Trump Announces Payroll Tax Cut Relief – Paid Sick Leave – in Response to Coronavirus Panic

Gateway Pundit – by Jim Hoft

President Trump and his coronavirus tax force of medical experts held a press conference on Monday night.
This was following the 2,000 crash in the US stock market.

As of Monday evening there have been 624 cases reported of the coronavirus.   
There have been 26 deaths in the US – 19 of the deaths were at the Life Center Senior Center in Washington state.

President Trump announced a payroll tax cut to curtail the economic downturn caused by the coronavirus.

CNBC reported:

President Donald Trump on Monday said he will be meeting with Senate and House Republicans on Tuesday to discuss “a possible tax relief measure to provide “a timely and effective response to the coronavirus.”

“We are to be meeting with House Republicans, Mitch McConnell, and discussing a possible payroll tax cut or relief, substantial relief, very substantial relief,” Trump said at a press briefing with coronavirus task force members.

“It’s a big number,” he added. “We’re also going to be talking about hourly wage earners getting help so they can be in a position where they’re not going to miss a paycheck.”

President Trump also said the administration is discussing paid sick leave.

Gateway Pundit

5 thoughts on “President Trump Announces Payroll Tax Cut Relief – Paid Sick Leave – in Response to Coronavirus Panic

    1. Exactly!

      Doing everything but closing the borders because to do so would stop and completely ruin their entire foreign invasion that they have been running for the past decade or so. Can’t have that, so we’ll distract you with other ways.

      As always they like to fight and solve the symptoms but never the ROOT of the problem.

  1. ‘President Trump announced a payroll tax cut to curtail the economic downturn caused by the coronavirus.’

    If you were aware of the failing economy before ‘the virus’ hit……. he is basically admitting it was a DISTRACTION for the tanking economy

    1. ‘There was also discussion of making the payroll tax rollback permanent, said the official, who declined to be named. Payroll taxes are used to fund Medicare and Social Security. When asked about the potential cost of a payroll tax cut, the official pushed back and asked why there is always a focus on the cost of tax cuts.’

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