100% Fed Up – by Leisa Audette
During a CNN Town Hall, Don Lemon had a hard time keeping sloppy Joe Biden in check. He veered off talking about a “man on the moon” and just rambled all over the place.
Biden also struggled to keep his thoughts straight when talking about vaccines:
It’s hard to listen to the rambling and stuttering. Biden is clearly struggling to turn his thoughts into words.
Get this guy back in the old folks home, now!
Bedeep budeap bdeep, that that that’s all folks.
You got the vaccine? Are you ok? You look I mean come on man I mean.
If those aliens are here or not.
If there was I mean is a man on the moon…
Aside from the fact that this maggot should be hung for his own participation in Ongoing treason against us all, along with the traitor Trumpraeli and Ron Paul too;
If anyone is even pretending this is somehow a legitimate functioning American peoples free, sovereign republic and thinks there is a checks and balances open voting system that is supposedly working (NOT) anyone with any sense, would immediately demand the removal of this incompetent, senile, (No doubt experiencing the rapid onset of Alzheimer’s) “President” or CEO select at best.
Sick all the way around.