Re-print of Hitler’s ‘Mein Kampf’ takes Germany by storm


Sales of Adolf Hitler’s “Mein Kampf” have soared since a special edition of the Nazi leader’s political treatise went on sale in Germany a year ago, the German publisher has said.

The book outlines Hitler’s ideology that formed the basis for Nazism and sets out his hatred of Jews, which led to the Holocaust.  

The new edition is the first reprint since World War Two, released last January after a 70-year copyright on the text expired at the end of 2015. It includes explanatory sections and some 3,500 annotations, and has sold 85,000 copies to the surprise of its publishers.

“These sales figures have taken us by storm,” Andreas Wirsching, who heads up the publishers, the Institute for Contemporary History (IfZ) told German news agency dpa.

“No-one could really have expected them,” he added.

Hitler wrote “Mein Kampf”, which translates as “My Struggle” in English, between 1924 and 1926. It was banned by the Allies at the end of World War Two.

Hitler wrote most of the first, highly autobiographical, volume while incarcerated in Landsberg prison after his failed Munich coup attempt in 1923. After his release, he wrote much of the second volume at his mountain retreat near Berchtesgaden.

A bestseller after he became chancellor in 1933, “Mein Kampf” had by 1945 sold 12 million copies and been translated into 18 languages.

5 thoughts on “Re-print of Hitler’s ‘Mein Kampf’ takes Germany by storm

  1. Ignore the slow genocide of the Palestinians, and just remember that neo-Nazis are everywhere, and they’re all buying copies of Mein Kampf.

    “The new edition is the first reprint since World War Two, released last January after a 70-year copyright on the text expired at the end of 2015.”

    The book was reprinted because you no longer have to pay royalties to the author (or copyright holder).

  2. “… his hatred of Jews, which led to the Holocaust.”

    Which led to endless reparations from the Germans.

    The Holohoax consisted of expelling the stinking jews, or putting them in forced LABOR camps.

    The majority of those who ACTUALLY died (less than 300,000, possibly less than 200,000) did so due to starvation & disease… AFTER the Allies cut the supply lines.

    No mention of the 11 million German nationals who were (mostly) starved to death by the Allies AFTER the war ended.

    1. You can read “Hellstorm: The Death of Nazi Germany, 1944-47, to get a taste of post-war Germany when German women were openly raped, and the men were carted off to soviet prisons.

      1. And what was Hitler’s REAL ‘final solution’ to the jew problem (NOT what the lying jew bast@rds ‘claimed’ it was)?

        Deportation to Madagascar for the stinking jews who wouldn’t leave Germany VOLUNTARILY (they were given EVERY chance to do so).

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