Real-ID allows police to control ‘fundamental aspects of our daily lives’


Thanks to Real-ID, DHS has created a national ID system right under everyone’s noses.

According to the above video, Tennessee is ‘Spreading the Good Word’ that DHS now has the power to suspend and revoke anyone’s drivers license or identification card.

A recent article in the Lebanon Democrat, reveals how DHS and the Tennessee DMV suspended more than a quarter of a million driver’s licenses (DL) for failure to pay traffic tickets.

“On Oct. 5, Judge Altea Trauger ordered the Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security to reinstate Fred Robinson and Ashley Sprague’s licenses by Oct. 11 or as soon after as possible.”

“According to the complaint, Tennessee suspended more than a quarter of a million driver’s licenses for failure to pay traffic tickets, and in most cases, the drivers were too poor to pay.”

It is the same story in Texas. Back in 2013, the Dallas News warned everyone that the DMV had suspended 1.3 million people’s DL’s for failing to pay traffic tickets.

States across the country, allow DHS run law enforcement to suspend people’s DL’s and ID’s for failure to pay tickets. (Click here to watch DHS run law enforcement videos.)

Think long and hard about what that means.

DHS now has the ability to affect nearly every aspect of Americans lives.

Real-ID allows DHS to control ‘fundamental aspects of our daily lives’

The article also mentions, that DHS run law enforcement can now control people’s lives by suspending or revoking a person’s DL.

“The plaintiffs argued without their licenses, people couldn’t access jobs, health care, child care and other fundamental aspects of daily life.”

Suspending or revoking a person’s DL or ID could also affect a their ability to use credit or debit cards, purchase prescription drugs or alcohol, board a plane or even enter a federal building such as a courthouse.

How will Americans pay for their fines or get their DL’s back if they aren’t allowed to gain access to a courthouse?

By taking a person’s DL or ID they can control a persons ability to stay in a hotel or motel.

Think you will be allowed to board a plane or train without showing you DL or ID, guess again.

As you will see, threatening Americans with DL suspensions because the Feds don’t approve of their activism is a distinct possibility.

Imagine in the not too distant future, you and your family are driving down the road, when suddenly you find yourselves being detained by DHS run law enforcement. The officer informs you, that you’ve been stopped because the Feds do not like your activism and they will take away your drivers license if you don’t change your anti-government activities.

This is the reality, of a DHS run national ID system and one you can bet will be abused. (Click here & here to find out about the Real-ID nightmare)

One thought on “Real-ID allows police to control ‘fundamental aspects of our daily lives’

  1. In case you do not know about this little bit of info it is worse as any state can suspend your driving privileges due to a violation(or other) which already has been paid and you will not be able to renew in your home state and will not be allowed to get a license in another. There are other facets to this also like a suspended license for not returning license plates etc. but no information sent to the driver/owner until another event is tried to be obtained like a renewal or change of state license.
    Most of the time there are fees associated with the removal of the suspension/reinstatement on driving privileges or returning of plates etc.

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