REPORT: Biden Administration Quietly Scheming Up A Ban On Hunting And Fishing by Chris

The Biden administration, working together with environmental advocates, has developed new regulations that would restrict hunting and fishing activities in several states throughout the United States.

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is anticipated to release these regulations, which would restrict the use of certain types of equipment on public refuge lands and increase the range of areas where low-cost lead ammunition and fishing gear are prohibited.

Luke Hilgemann, the Executive Director of the International Order of T. Roosevelt, is leading an initiative to place constitutional amendments on the ballots in order to guarantee the right to hunt and fish nationwide. IOTR is a proactive hunting and conservation foundation focused on protecting the rights of hunters and sustaining the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation.

Hilgemann told Fox News, “What we see here with the rule coming out of the Biden administration is the potential to close millions of acres of public lands that had been opened under the Trump administration to hunting and fishing.”

“They’re doing this basically by banning the most common forms of hunting cartridges that most people buy off the shelf and requiring that no lead cartridges be used on any federal lands.”

According to many experts, hunting and fishing are actually important tools for managing wildlife populations and ensuring the long-term health of ecosystems. By controlling the size and distribution of animal populations, hunters and anglers can help prevent overgrazing, protect endangered species, and maintain a balanced ecosystem.

Moreover, many hunting and fishing enthusiasts argue that their activities actually help fund conservation efforts, as they are required to purchase licenses and permits that contribute to conservation programs. By limiting access to public lands and restricting the types of equipment that can be used, the proposed regulations could potentially reduce revenue for these programs and have unintended consequences for conservation efforts.

Hilgemann explained, “If that happens, that’s going to force people to go back out and buy different kinds of cartridges that simply aren’t available at the levels that it needs to be in order for us to meet the demand of hunters in the field.”

“For generations, hunters have been crucial to conservation efforts,” Hilgemann said. “These misguided attacks from radical activists will only further erode the number of hunters in the sport and endanger future conservation efforts supported by outdoor way of life.”


4 thoughts on “REPORT: Biden Administration Quietly Scheming Up A Ban On Hunting And Fishing by Chris

  1. So Brandon, who claims to support “people of color” which would include Native Americans on their “reservations,” wants to deny Native Americans their right to do what they’ve been doing since…oh…thousands of years… But, considering in the 1870s -1890s, US troops killed off most of their buffalo…. Oh, and “mr. president,” are you gonna stop illegals from “hunting” in Big Bend National Park? I seriuously doubt it!

    1. Another way to look at this is that the hunters have been hunting the wrong game ANIMALS. At time some animals do become rabid and that’s not a good thing. It looks a lot like we might have some rabid politicians making some very bad decisions. This is just more chipping away for the sake of gun control and nothing else.

  2. oh the hunting wont stop, we will just choose different game . and it wont be anything you’d want to eat, so we’ll just leave it to rot , as its already 1/2 way there

  3. Six foot dirt nap??? No… to much work… leave em vultures will care them mthrfckrs …

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