Restricting Gun Sales Cost Dick’s $150 Million Last Year

The Daily Sheeple – by Sean Walton

When CEO of Dick’s, Edward Stack, went on Good Morning America a few weeks after the Parkland Shooting in Feb. 2018 and said that the sporting-goods retailer, the largest in the country, with stores in 47 states, would no longer be selling assault-style rifles and high-capacity magazines and would not be selling any weapons to those under 21 he knew it might be costly.

He was right. Dick’s estimates the policy change cost the company about $150 million in lost sales, an amount equivalent to 1.7 percent of annual revenue. Stacks maintains it was worth it. 

In response to his announcement, the National Rifle Association (NRA) criticized his “strange business model.” The National Shooting Sports Foundation expelled Dick’s from its membership. Gun manufacturers like Mossberg refused to do business with him at all, and many shoppers followed suit. At the time, Dick’s was a major seller of firearms. Guns also drove the sale of soft goods—which included unrelated items and drops in sales of those items are a part of the estimated $150 million in losses.

Dick’s is now working towards removing hunting supplies and equipment entirely from its stores. Dick’s also owns about 35 Field & Stream stores located primarily in the southeast. Stack acknowledges that the gun decision has hurt Field & Stream sales and that the company faces a potentially larger decision about what to do with those stores and the private label of the same name used on soft goods such as sleeping bags, tents and other outdoor gear.

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Contributed by Sean Walton of The Daily Sheeple.

Sean Walton is a researcher and journalist for The Daily Sheeple.

The Daily Sheeple

11 thoughts on “Restricting Gun Sales Cost Dick’s $150 Million Last Year

  1. “Guns also drove the sale of soft goods—which included unrelated items and drops in sales of those items are a part of the estimated $150 million in losses.”

    That’s what being a treasonous DICK gets you.

    “Stacks maintains it was worth it.”

    See what he ‘maintains’ when he’s out of a job (not that HIS sorry @ss will suffer any… no doubt he’s got a mountain of mammon stashed away already).

    Take those losses right in the ol’ wazoo, Dicks… hope they TRIPLE soon, scumbag pukes!

    OY VEY!!!

    F.שָׁחוֹר חב”ד

  3. Soon we will see a going out of business sign on there doors . Walmart sells the same crap that dickhead does why pay more . Nothing you say are do dickhead will save your stores

  4. If you ever have a good company / business
    Never “go public”
    Your shareholders will bend you over the conference table and jam their opinions up your backside , fire you ,and destroy what you built

    Personally I would never buy anything from a corporate sell out big box store
    Never did , never will ,especially when it comes to firearms and all related items

    The small stores may not be able to give you the price break on junk like these fools
    So don’t buy shit , if your life depends on your equipment than don’t fck yourself buy the best you can afford , or save up for the right stuff

    I showed a buddy my head gear once and he said
    Oh you paid what for that ?, he says I can get a cheaper version from bla bla bla , I turned to him and said , is all your head worth to you is a 100$?

    Nuff said

    Here’s the other play I have
    First goon I down , I’m taking ALL of his shit , … NEXT!!

    1. “So don’t buy shit , if your life depends on your equipment than don’t fck yourself buy the best you can afford , or save up for the right stuff”

      Absolutely unchallenged, EotS!

      Cheap cr@p will likely get you killed.

      There is no substitute for quality when it comes to firearms AND ammo.

  5. Use to live next to a Dick’s here in Maine, Never been in one though, Just like EOTS , I don’t patronize big box stores if I can help it. Gotta love it when these piece of shit business’s double down on stupidity and show their true colors.

  6. Proliferating armaments sales is not the matter. What is disturbing is the undeniable fact that the state has the greatest fire power, and uses it for it’s own aims . Y’all should look at a Zionist by the name of Malchon who produced the movie JFK. No Zionists here, folks, just the “mob.” Oliver Stone is a zionist pimp. Giancana and Roselli were murdered. Lansky died of old age in Israel. And I mean, Goddammit, look into it .

  7. Ran outta’ time. Doing other things. Read Michael Collins Piper for free on internet archive for free before you criticize.

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