Retired military officer, Colonel Douglas Macgregor tells humanity the TRUTH about what’s going on today

4 thoughts on “Retired military officer, Colonel Douglas Macgregor tells humanity the TRUTH about what’s going on today

  1. “Remember, the jews believe they rule in Europe, just like they believe they rule in the USA”

    There, I corrected it for you. So sick of seeing this word “globalist” when we could so much more clearly define things with just “jew”. Also, they most definitely are NOT “elites”. Very sick & tired of seeing that word rammed down our throats every time these “alternative media” types put something out. Hey “alternative media”, start labeling things correctly or keep getting called out for being the shills & controlled opposition propagandists the majority of you are!

  2. Here’s a little more twist and spin and lie from the great professor himself. Peterson calls the protesters “Pro-Hamas,” and labels them “sanctimonious psychopaths.” He knows his influence on students and in the face of genocide on the people of Gaza stands staunchly in defense of ISRAEL!! Oh, and don’t forget to fear Iran.


  3. It was only a matter of time before we would witness the end result of the decline of the cognitive integrity of an otherwise intelligent guy once he became putty in the hands of his masters. If he could think like a free minded man on a platform of his own, he would never have allowed himself to get sucked into the vortex of the kind of rabid bullshit that has contaminated his mind with genocidal propaganda. What a waste.

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