Russia to Fast-Track New Online Censorship Bill

Nunez Report

MOSCOW, June 12 (RIA Novosti) – A Russian parliamentary committee approved for review a new controversial anti-piracy law dubbed “the Russian SOPA” by critics after a similar US bill.

The bill will undergo on Friday the first of three required readings in the State Duma, the lower house of the Russian parliament, and may be passed by mid-July, lawmaker Robert Shlegel said Tuesday, Vedomosti daily reported Tuesday. 

Duma’s legislation committee approved the bill on Tuesday despite outcry from Russian internet companies and advocates of internet freedom.

The bill is unofficially endorsed by the Kremlin, Vedomosti said, citing unnamed governmental sources.

The bill would allow copyright holders to have access to allegedly pirated content online blocked on a court order. Whole websites can be blacklisted under the law, which appoints a single court in Moscow to handle all copyright-related complaints nationwide.

Yandex, Russia’s biggest online search engine, slammed the bill in its corporate blog last week, saying it is ridden with technical flaws that could allow to indefinitely ban almost any website.

The bill protects the interests of copyright holders at the expense of web users and the internet industry, whose representatives were not consulted by the authors, Yandex said. The legislation was co-penned by an actress, an opera singer and a film director, all of them federal lawmakers.

Prominent anti-censorship website compared the bill to US SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act), a draconian anti-piracy legislation introduced in the US Congress in 2011, but mothballed after a wave of protests, including by the English Wikipedia.

Ironically, bill co-author Yelena Drapeko, a former actress, admitted on to downloading films on torrents.

“I don’t quite understand whether it is legal or not,” she said about the torrents she was using.

Russia introduced last November an internet blacklist that allows for extrajudicial ban of websites accused of promoting child abuse, suicide and illegal drug use. More than 6,600 websites are currently blacklisted, 97 percent of them blocked by mistake over technicalities, according to


2 thoughts on “Russia to Fast-Track New Online Censorship Bill

  1. Looks like everyone has an internet censorship bill being “fast-tracked” now that they’re realizing that too many people have left their false reality.

    They’re closing the barn door after the horse escaped, and every desperate act of censorship or tyranny just exposes their designs to more and more people.

    The world’s politicians are the only people being “cyber-bullied”, but they’re trying to use that “protect the children” excuse in NY state to end internet anonymity there too.

    1. Yep, JR. The whole world is wants online censorship. It’s all a part of the NWO government.

      Once again, it doesn’t matter who wins this war because in the end they are financing both sides and either one that wins, WE THE PEOPLE will lose everything. It’s just another false left/right paradigm in world governments. Pepsi or Coca-cola, people? Pray both sides of the government kill each other and hopefully the Zionists and shadow government will be somewhere caught in the crossfire in between. That’s the only way we will win, since NO ONE IN THIS DAMN WORLD CARES OR EVEN HAS THE BALLS TO GET TOGETHER, RISE UP AND DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!!

      Nope, they’d just rather sit back on their recliner and watch it on the idiotbox and hope for the best.

      As Christ basically tells us, faith without action is useless. You can sit on your ass and pray all day, but God ain’t gonna help you unless you start helping yourself. God helps those who help themselves. God doesn’t help sloths. Get up off your asses, people and start taking action!

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