Sakurajima volcano (Japan): large explosion damages cars

Volcano Discovery – by T

A moderately large vulcanian explosion occurred this morning, producing significant fallout of lapilli and small bombs in several kilometers distance. Cars parked at the Arimura Lava observatory observation point to the south of the volcano were damages and windshields broken, at a distance of about 4 km.  There are no reports of injuries to people.

The ash plume from the eruption rose to approx. 12,000 ft (3.6 km) elevation, i.e. about 2.5 km km height. In itself, today’s explosion is not even among the largest that have occurred in the past months, but the volcano clearly continues to be in a state of elevated activity when seen on a long-term average.  

The following webcam time-lapse video shows frequent ash emission and explosions from the volcano today:

In a recent interview with Radio New Zealand, volcanologist Masato Iguchi mentions that the volcano might be heading for a larger eruption comparable to that of 1914:
“The magma level deep within the volcano is back to about 90% of what it was before the 1914 eruption. So we do have to worry about a big eruption in the long term”.

One thought on “Sakurajima volcano (Japan): large explosion damages cars

  1. Hmm….two volcanic explosions in two weeks and conveniently coincides with the meltdown that has been going on for the past two weeks or so at the Fukushima plant in which the waters are boiling.

    Hmm…I’m no rocket scientist (or nuclear scientist for that matter), but I think they just might be related. Don’t you?

    It’s amazing how MSM doesn’t even report on this. Maybe it’s because they don’t want more reporters or journalist to connect it to the Fukushima thing that’s going on because they want to keep it under wraps.

    Honestly, I have a feeling one day, people are going to wake up one morning and asking themselves, “Hmm…what happened to Japan?” and the MSM will just give a fake puzzled look and say, “What’s Japan?”, as if it never existed. Kinda like re-writing history in George Orwell’s book, “1984”. What’s an easy way to wipe out a population? Just stop talking about it and make it disappear by pretending it never existed.

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