8 thoughts on “San Bernardino Gun Battle with Cops

  1. At 11:18…

    That has got to be the happiest ‘shooting victim’ I’ve ever seen.

    What I DIDN’T see was any ACTUAL shooting going on (just browsed through it, I don’t have the air time to watch videos that long, so maybe I missed it?)

  2. Like me #1, I don’t have time to waste re-hashing a complete bullSh!t story from the get-go. Watch, they’ll make a National Holiday of Remembrance out of it. With the short attention span of our kids, neurontoxined down to mildly retarded as a result on fluoridation, mercury poisoning in vaccines, food additives, environmental pollution, communist mind pollution, and a laughable educational system, most have moved on to Christmas with Satan.

    Yes, I can be a Grinch, maybe it’s because I hate the phoniness of “Happy Holidays”. If they really gave a rat’s arse, they would donate money and time and be down serving at the Senior Center or the food bank. I’ll be doin’ one or the other and not because I want social recognition like the phoney rich bitches need their name in the paper handing the check over cause he’s “Such a good guy”. Then, truth be told, the donation was a “tax scheme” which, in the long run, may as well have been put in the PR budget and taxed. So these rich “philanthropists” can all F’ off! Workin’ the system and stealing from all of us, yet, not losing a wink of sleep over it.

    1. Actually, Millard, by ‘air time’ I meant my internet usage. Videos eat up my air time (no modem) gigs WAY too fast, and I end up paying a lot more on my bill for overages, so I rarely watch videos more than 2 – 3 mins. long.

      1. Oh, I didn’t know you we’re sittin’ behind the local Burger King stealing the Wi-Fi! lol Just kidding! 😆

          1. 14 mile drive to a Burger King from here. Dang #1 you must live in the thick of things. It’s 70 miles from my place to a burger king or a walmart or come to think of it pretty much anything. Well… we are close to nature, it’s just out the front door. 🙂

          2. It’s by no means the smallest town I’ve ever lived in, swifty, but it’s a virtual flyspeck compared to L.A. Somewhere between 9 – 10,000, but you’d never know it to look at it. Very quiet, rarely hear sirens (constantly in L.A., drove me crazy), no light planes OR ghetto birds overhead (we are directly under the flight path to Portland, however), surrounded by mountains… I didn’t dream I would end up in a place this quiet & beautiful.

            I owe it ALL to Henry & Laura for starting FTT. I never would have met Ryan otherwise. They have my sincere gratitude for not only that, but for everything they do for us all.

            You’re the best, Henry & Laura! 😀

  3. This is pretty good video, even if it is from a Jew loving Zionist! I’ve watched some of his videos before and that is exactly what he is.

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