San Bernardino gunman’s family lawyer says they don’t believe account of massacre

Daily Mail

A lawyer representing the family of San Bernardino gunman Syed Farook has questioned accounts of the massacre which saw Farook and his wife, Tashfeen Malik kill 14 at a holiday party on Wednesday morning.

Attorney David Chesley said they doubted the accuracy of information released by the police and FBI.   

Farook, 28, and his Pakistan-born wife Malik, 27, died in a gun battle with police after the mass shooting at the Inland Regional Center.

To illustrate his point, Chesley made a bizarre reference to the Sandy Hook massacre, suggesting it didn’t take place as described in the official narrative.

‘There have been suggestions that it may be something that was related to their work, that somehow he was a disgruntled employee,’ he said.

‘But it doesn’t seem plausible to us that this petite woman [Malik] would be involved in this sort of hyper-caricatured, Bonnie and Clyde crazy scenario.

‘There were a lot of questions drawn with Sandy Hook and whether or not that was a real incident or not.

‘But I mean obviously these things were found there, how they got there we don’t know.’

The Sandy Hook shootings occurred in December 2012, when gunman Adam Lanza, 20, shot his way into the front entrance of the school in Newtown, Connecticut, which was locked at the time, and killed 20 children and six teachers, then shot himself to death.

When Chesley was asked if he doubted the events of Sandy Hook, he said: ‘There has been a lot speculation about it is all I would say.

‘There’s a lot of people that said it happened but hasn’t happened in the way that it was purported to have taken place.

‘There’s no question that incidents have taken place and evidence was found but we just question some of that.’

The family of Farook earlier told FBI investigators that he had been teased by colleagues about his long Islamic beard. It also emerged that he had clashed with a Jewish co-worker over religion weeks before the massacre.

While the exact motive for the massacre remains unclear, lawyers for the Farook family said the gunman had been subject to a series of disparaging comments about his traditional Muslim appearance.

However, they added that the slain health inspector had ‘brushed off’ the remarks and they remained at a loss to explain the shootings.

Their comments came hours after it emerged that Farook had recently been in a heated argument with colleague Nicholas Thalasinos, a Messianic Jew, who was named as one of his victims.

Mr Thalasinos worked alongside Farook as a county restaurant inspector and the pair are said to have regularly discussed politics and religion.

Colleague Kuuleme Stephen said she had called Thalasinos while he was at work when he was having a heated discussion with Farook.

Mr Thalasinos had identified Farook by name and told her the 28-year-old believed Islam was a peaceful religion. She added that Farook said that Americans do not understand Islam.

Mr Thalasinos was known to be passionate about pro-Israel causes and regularly raged about Islam on Facebook.

Farook’s family lawyers also revealed that his mother Rafia, 62, was held for questioning in the wake of the mass shooting after cops pulled her over in one of her other children’s SUVs.

She was released without charge the next day but the vehicle is still in the hands of law enforcement officials, they said. The Farook family, including his father Syed, 66, older brother Syed Raheel, and sisters Eba, 24, Saira, 32, and her husband Farhan Khan, 41, spent several hours talking to FBI agents on Thursday.

Speaking outside Mr Khan’s house late last night, attorney Chesley insisted that Farook’s relatives had no idea he was plotting a massacre or stockpiling weapons with his wife Tashfeen Malik, 27.

FBI agents discovered a huge arsenal – including nearly 5,000 rounds of ammunition, a dozen pipe bombs and hundreds of tools for making IEDs at the couple’s home.

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20 thoughts on “San Bernardino gunman’s family lawyer says they don’t believe account of massacre

  1. “Americans do not understand Islam”.

    whats not to understand , you want us dead , thats pretty f-ing clear to me

    oh and ask me why should I understand Islam? I dont have to understand it any more then they want to understand Christianity or any other religion they want to hate

    USA is my Country , and if you dont like the way we are here , you can go back to f-ing your goats, back in sandland ..leave!

    BTW , we the people didnt pick this fight with you , our rogue government that is headed up by one of your own, is provoking this. deal with your issues with them, not us … unless your too chicken shit to deal with the real problem makers in this world , seems to be the case

    1. “whats not to understand , you want us dead ,…”

      We’d want them just as dead… if they had done to this country what has been done to theirs by the jews & the so-called ‘government’.

      Being invaded & mass-murdered is just as detestable to Americans.

    2. So you are just talking about Islam. You know that all religions are just as bad. It says heated conversation. Uh hello he is defending his religion just as the J-w was defending his. Plus did you see the J-w talking bad on fb about islam. Wow. This is America land of the free and we allow all in our country. Have you even looked in to this story. Did you know they have monthly drills? Did you know that the guy at the front desk texted the drill is starting? Did you know that if you shot in a room of many people more than 14 would be dead. Hello.

      1. “This is America land of the free and we allow all in our country.”


        In the first place, you call THIS freedom??? Did you just move here from communist China or something?

        In the second place WE are not the ones “allowing ALL in our country”. That would be the doing of the so-called ‘government’. It serves their communist agenda by DESTROYING our national identity and our sovereignty. HELLOOOOOO!!!

        “Have you even looked in to this story. Did you know they have monthly drills? Did you know that the guy at the front desk texted the drill is starting? Did you know that if you shot in a room of many people more than 14 would be dead.”

        ALL stupid questions to be asking on THIS site. THAT’S WHAT WE DO HERE 24/7 – DESTROY THE LIES & PROPAGANDA PUT OUT BY THE COMMUNISTS!


        Infowars may be more your speed. AJ caters to the semi-clueless.

        1. I think Rush Limbicle is begging for phony people to call in and be abused. Try that Jenn since you obviously stumbled onto this site not knowing didiley squat and go off like that. It was like a “puckered orifice” that couldn’t quite hold the gas back.

  2. Wow. I smell a total set up. Just remember joos run run your media. So keep that in mind when watching the Talmudvision. It’s all packaged and prepared to make you think a certain way. Or to simply dumb you down.

    1. Yeah, I agree smireles74. Whole thing stinks like they’re planning some sort of epiphany or revelation re news and media and it will be the other side of the kosher coin that is shown to us. Gonna get real weird soon…

      CNN rummaging through suspects room already and leaving all kinds o shite behind? WTF???

      1. “gonna get real weird soon” lol!
        speaking of weird. right around the corner from me a bomb threat was supposedly called in and a bomb looking device was found behind a business.
        why even bother calling it in first?
        why even bother making it look like a bomb?
        would they even tell us if it was real?
        i’ll go with door number three.

        1. Haha! 🙂 I say that, Mel, because just when I thought chit couldn’t get and weirder they seem to top the ridiculousness somehow!

          And bomb threats are so high school. Jeez

          Got ISIS?

          Or maybe this was Millard’s fbi terrorist evidence kit #027?!

  3. The pics after the “shootout” show this guy on the ground in handcuffs. Why handcuff a dead man? Where is the woman and why not show her face? And need I remind, witnesses confirmed and used the words “definitely 3 shoothers, tall athletically built men with masks”. That’s not the kind of thing you imagine in a shooting it’s the kind of thing that stands out and is forever engraved in your memory. But we’ll forget all that and just say ISLAMIC TERRORISM.

    1. Yes, I heard the same thing – she was a Saudi, and he apparently went there to get her….. returning to our country and having a baby recently – has anyone heard any other commentary about THE ORPHANED CHILD?

      None of this makes any sense – I cry Shenanigans!

  4. “It also emerged that he had clashed with a Jewish co-worker over religion weeks before the massacre.”

    Who was also ALLEGEDLY killed by him.

    Let’s ignore the fact that jews and Muslims don’t celebrate Christmas. So what are the odds that one or both would have attended.

    “FBI agents discovered a huge arsenal – including nearly 5,000 rounds of ammunition, a dozen pipe bombs and hundreds of tools for making IEDs at the couple’s home.”

    Only a single word need be changed to make this statement (LIE) absolutely true…

    “FBI agents PLANTED a huge arsenal – including nearly 5,000 rounds of ammunition, a dozen pipe bombs and hundreds of tools for making IEDs at the couple’s home.”

    1. The whole bit about the ammo in my opinion is a foreshadowing of them cracking down on ALL people stockpiling. Of course patsies make the perfect scapegoats so now anyone with a big amount of ammo will be likened to “TERRORIST”.

      1. “… cracking down on ALL people stockpiling.”

        Nothing like closing the barn door AFTER the livestock has already exited.

        1. The only thing they’re “cracking down” on is the “crack” pipe they’ve been smokin’ off of.

          How else can one explain the way they’re thinking?

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