San Francisco 49ers Pledge $500,000 to Push Suppressor Ban, Other Gun Control Measures

Breitbart – by AWR Hawkins

The San Francisco 49ers pledged $500,000 Thursday to secure a suppressor ban and other gun controls.

The push comes in the weeks after the Las Vegas attack. Suppressors were not used in that attack, but the 49ers are dedicated to banning the devices anyway.

According to ESPN, the 49ers presented the gun control pledge as part of creating a “more understanding and safer America.” The $500,000 will also be used to push a ban on bump stocks and armor-piercing bullets.  

The ban on armor-piercing bullets is somewhat ambiguous, but appears similar to a ban which was unsuccessfully pushed by the Obama administration in 2015. The Obama-era actually targeted bullets that would have to be re-categorized as armor piercing in order to be banned.

On February 15, 2015, Breitbart News reported that the Obama-era push was directed toward M855 rounds for the AR-15. The rounds are fully legal under the auspices of the Gun Control Act of 1968, which bans handgun ammunition categorized as armor piercing. The Obama ATF attempted to apply the ban on handgun ammo to rifle ammo as well, even though the M855 round was one of the most popular AR-15 rounds for sporting purposes at the time. And it was precisely because of the round’s popularity that the NRA-ILA described the attempted ban as “a move clearly intended by the Obama administration to repress the acquisition, ownership, and use of AR-15s and other .223 caliber general purpose rifles.”

It appears the 49ers are ready to pick up where Obama left off, and they are joined by the Los Angeles Police Protective League, an LAPD union, in so doing. On October 26 Breitbart News reported that the Los Angeles Police Protective League is pushing for a ban on suppressors, armor-piercing ammunition, and bump stocks.

Suppressors are legal in over 40 states and are widely owned. Legislation to loosen the cumbersome acquisition process for the devices was shelved by House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wisc.) two days after the Las Vegas attack, which happened to be one day after Hillary Clinton criticized suppressors.

AWR Hawkins is the Second Amendment columnist for Breitbart News and host of Bullets with AWR Hawkins, a Breitbart News podcast. He is also the political analyst for Armed American Radio. Follow him on Twitter: @AWRHawkins. Reach him directly at

12 thoughts on “San Francisco 49ers Pledge $500,000 to Push Suppressor Ban, Other Gun Control Measures

  1. What, your stadium isn’t empty enough, so you decide to alienate thousands MORE of your fans? Looks like the NFL is going to do an “ebay” and deliberately destroy itself. Good riddance.

    Here’s to the death of professional sports and the awakening of the American Patriot Warrior! Huzzah!

        1. They’ve taken too much. I want baseball back. Was it also fixed when The Babe was playing? If only a way can be found for it to exist on its own terms, and by that I mean the glory of the game, the skill, the teamwork, the going the distance. I don’t want life without that kind of baseball; I don’t want it as much as I don’t want war or tyranny. I feel the ghosts of some of those players, and of the living ones, I feel their souls. Sure the dangling carrot corrupts and sways, but the craft these players wield, purely as craft, is remarkable. I can’t throw like that. Or bat like that. Or catch like that. Or steal a base like that. I’m in awe of it all. I guess all this political work we do is about all aspects of life and boils down to “Take the ugly out of the beautiful.”

          Batter up!!


          1. “… the craft these players wield, purely as craft…”

            Is not what wins or loses games, for the most part these days.

            The COACHES & OWNERS make critical calls (one way or another) that can make or break a game.

            They either are, or work for the stinking jews, and those scumbags hate to leave ANYTHING to ‘chance’.

  2. Its all good for Patriots, and its the goal to kill the industry and come back with the Taliban beheading sports.

    1. But will the Patriots let the Taliban behead Tom Brady? 😉

      Folks, I am having so much fun making fun of the NFL now that I have given up on caring about who wins what games. Not a Cuban-American, but the Miami Dolphins can suck my whatever…when they insult their Cuban-American fans, they are insulting me and now I couldn’t care less (hopefully, Texas A&M Aggies won’t follow suit.)

  3. NFL is going the way of OBAMMER. Can you imagine the increase in retail sales which means more jobs for everyone when people start saving ALL the $$$$$ they spend to go to just 1 game. A family of 4 can cost $500 x lets say an average of 8 games per year hometown. $4000 a year buys a nice Vacation or……………………… x 10k families Bye Bye NFL

  4. The 49s suck anyway, when Montana retired, the 49s cratered. Nobody gives a rats ass about these clowns anymore.

  5. Owners jed york and gideon yu have looong histories of financial investments and analysis. Ivy league brats. Me thinks they are investing for their futures with the feds. This one’s gonna blow up in their faces.

  6. Next thing you know, the Miami Dolphins will ban Cuban-Americans from their games because Cuban-Americans hate Colin “I love Castro” Kaepernick…

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