New York: Old Wal-Mart Store being Considered to House Illegals

WHAM 13 News

Brockport, NY –  The Health and Human Services Department is considering an old Walmart store in Brockport to house illegal immigrant children.

U.S. Border Control said the number of minors coming from Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras through Mexico has soared more than a thousand percent.

The Walmart building is located in Congressman Chris Collin’s district.  

“It is unacceptable the federal government is trying to force the hardworking taxpayers of New York to foot the bill to house undocumented immigrants,” said Collins.

The Health and Human Services Department operates hundreds of these housing facilities across the country.

The facilities shelter minors until a sponsor or family member can pick them up.

The Lexington Commerce Center in Greece is no longer being considered as a housing location.

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5 thoughts on “New York: Old Wal-Mart Store being Considered to House Illegals

  1. At least the building is being used for its originally intended purpose. Stocked to the ceiling with worthless imported crap!! Just add jooish lightning and maybe we’re getting somewhere 😉

  2. why cant they house normal homeless people?

    and what the hell is going on with all these kids/young people being shipped in?

    i had a really screwed up idea yesterday.
    america is like a farm to the inbred hidden government,
    the people are the cattle to work for them until they die.

    maybe they see that the people have been damaged beyond repair by there own screwed up actions.
    too fat to do manual work because of the crap sold as “food”,
    to stupid to do anything else because the education system is intentionally wrecked.

    maybe they are planning a “reset”.
    kill all the current “cattle” and replace them with a fresh young fit herd.
    ready to be worked into the ground again!!!

    sorry if this sounds like an insult to anybody, but i think you see what i’m getting at!

  3. Hey……..a FEMA detention center. In front of everyone, for all to see……
    An old Wal-Mart building is just as good of a place to house foreign marauding invaders before they’re turned loose against the people……when the economy collapses perhaps?

  4. Walmart is only a stopping point before they’re granted full citizenship, and YOUR job.

    I say house them all on a barge. This way you can send ’em to the middle of the ocean and sink the thing.

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