A UN inspection team vehicle in Syria has been shot at by snipers, a UN spokesman says. The team has currently come back to the government checkpoint to replace the damaged vehicle. There have been no reports of casualties so far.
The inspectors’ car “was deliberately shot at multiple times by unidentified snipers in the buffer zone area,” the spokesman for the UN secretary-general, Martin Nesirky, said.
Despite earlier reports that the inspection will be suspended, the team went to the inspection area after replacing the vehicle, which is no longer serviceable, at the checkpoint.
The inspectors are now meeting the victims of the attack and taking samples, medics said.
Syrian state TV has issued a statement accusing rebel fighters of carrying out the attack, quoting Syrian information ministry.
Earlier, the team of UN experts drove off from central Damascus to inspect the site of the alleged chemical weapons attack in one of the suburbs near the capital. The convoy included six cars and was accompanied by a vehicle of security forces and an ambulance, Reuters reported.
On Sunday, the Assad government gave a green light to the mission to allow investigators access to the sight of reported attack in the suburb of Guta which according to various sources caused from “dozens” to 1,300 fatalities.

Who were the snipers? It’s irrelevant. Could be rebels, but most likely C.I.A.
It’s irrelevant because we’re going to war in Syria, regardless of what the American people want, and you can expect to see several theatrical attacks staged to justify an invasion. Yesterday it was chemical weapons, today it’s snipers, tomorrow it’s suicide bombers, and it doesn’t matter who exposes it all as lies.
The TV will swear it’s all true, and even if only a few idiots believe it, we’ll be attacking Syria soon enough.
And I’m sure they won’t forget to throw in a few tortured incubator babies to garner public support too. These idiots only make slight alterations to the same script they use over and over again.