So before Israel began its slaughter in Gaza around 500 trucks used to enter the strip every day. Last month Israel let 70 trucks enter each day. And yet Israel continue to maintain there are no shortages and there is no starvation. They’re lying.

3 thoughts on “So before Israel began its slaughter in Gaza around 500 trucks used to enter the strip every day. Last month Israel let 70 trucks enter each day. And yet Israel continue to maintain there are no shortages and there is no starvation. They’re lying.

  1. “If the West calls Hamas a terrorist organization, what should they call the IDF, which massacres Palestinian civilians on a daily basis? Does this not constitute state terrorism? Is this “better” than Hamas’s actions? Why do the American media label Hamas as terrorists at every opportunity, but refuse to censure the IDF? Why is it that every attack on Jews is characterized as terrorist, while the daily attacks by Israeli settlers on Palestinians in the West Bank are almost never characterized as terrorist, or even widely reported? These labels and biased narratives are clearly designed to brainwash Americans into buying into the Israeli narrative—that everything Israelis do is justified as being in defense of their homeland, land which they seized and are illegally occupying, and everything Palestinians do to resist handing over most of their land and homes to the Israelis is terrorism. This false and distorted narrative must be scrutinized if the world is to present a balanced picture of all that has happened since 1948, and the roots of which go back even further. Only if this is done can the world expect a more balanced US policy in the Middle East.”
    — Viktor Mikhin, ‘The US is Directly Complicit in Israel’s Crimes in Gaza,’ 9/16/24


  2. “So, the next time a sheep-type doesn’t want to listen to your deviant story that clashes with their story, think about why. More than likely it is not because you don’t have all the pertinent facts at your fingertips, or that you are a poor orator, or that they just don’t like you. It is more than likely because your story conflicts with theirs, with the ‘masses’ story,’ the one that appears to keep things stable, the story that seems to keep their lives livable, with moments of instant gratification—things to buy, food to eat, sex to have (well, that one doesn’t work as well as it used to), cars to drive, games to play…that is really all that matters to them, you know. One day that too will fall away. But right now, it’s all good.”
    — Todd Hayen, ‘It’s All About the Story, 9/14/24


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