I’ve been seeing a lot written about, and commented on, the adds placed in New York about Killing Jews.
Well, I have a response to that ………..
Let’s “take out” those who’re destroying America in the corporate venue.
Let’s “take out” all who’re are socialists/communists.
Let’s “take out” the red diaper babies who’re entrenched in our government.
Let’s “take out” the media sell outs of our Republic.
Let’s “take out” the race baiters who FEED off the backs of their own people.
Let’s “take out” anyone who desires, or has wet dreams, about being the dictator of this Republic.
Now you have something constructive to think about!
Sounds good to me Paraclete. Systematic elimination.
To advocate the killing of a certain race, religion, or whoever, is totally wrong and makes you no better. However, in the case of Judeo/Freemasonry, something has to be done to expose them and their evils. The greatest enemy of mankind is Judaism, says St. Peter in scripture, “The Synagogue of Satan” – Rev. The greatest enemy of both the Church and mankind are the “Organized Forces of Naturalism” which is Judeo/Freemasonry.
I suggest all immediately read the following:
1. The 1976 Interview of Mr. Harold Rosenthal, former personal aide to then Senator Jacob K. Javits. Mr. Rosenthal was ultimately killed for giving this arrogant and bragging interview.
2. The Plot Against the Church, published under the pen name of Maurice Pinay in 1962 in its first Italian edition. Twelve Vatican Theologian/Historians, who while studying documents in the Vatican Archives in the original languages, discovered the largest conspiracy in history. Even the Vatican tried to stop its publication but it has already hit the bookshelves in Rome., now in several languages. The entire book is available to read on the net. Explains all and uncovers all in relation to the Jewish infiltration of all the religions, governments, social institutions, education, etc, all in order to further their dream and mission of establishing a One World Satanic Judeo/Freemasonic Dictatorship and to inaugurate Satan as Prince of the World.
The Jewish Question in Europe: The Causes, Effects, and Remedies, from La Civilta Cattolica, vol. VII, no. XIV, 1890 (Oct, Nov, Dec) published under the direction and authority of Pope Leo XIII. Absolutely amazing article which warned of all that has happened and is happening today under the direction of Jewry.
is there a sign up sheet?
Kill them all and let G-D sort them out.