One thought on “Speaker Johnson introduces Netanyahu in Congress as “His Excellency.”

  1. Excellency, noun:
    1. A title given to certain high officials of state, especially ambassadors, or of the Roman Catholic Church, or used in addressing them
    2. An outstanding feature or quality
    Origin, from the Latin excellere, see surpass

    The speaker went on to explain that His Majesty, The Most Excellent Benjamin Netanyahu is indeed worthy of the title of “Excellence,” for he is excellent in so very many things.” To list a few:

    Burying babies alive
    Starving people
    Stabbing pregnant women in the stomach
    Having limbs removed from children without anesthesia
    Bombing and severely wounding thousands of innocents
    Demolishing peoples’ homes, leaving them destitute
    Blocking aid to the cold, hungry, thirsty.

    It has been concluded that there are far too many incidents to list to demonstrate The Most Majestic Benjamin Netanyahu’s extreme EXCELLENCE. But in sum, the world can acclaim that he is most excellent at Genocide and at ATTEMPTING world domination. ATTEMPTING being the operative word.


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