Speaking at the UN, WEF Young Global Leader and former PM of New Zealand, Jacinda Ardern, declares free speech a “weapon of war”, in the globalist war against so-called “disinformation”―i.e. any information that exposes the agenda for global control by unelected globalist technocrats.

3 thoughts on “Speaking at the UN, WEF Young Global Leader and former PM of New Zealand, Jacinda Ardern, declares free speech a “weapon of war”, in the globalist war against so-called “disinformation”―i.e. any information that exposes the agenda for global control by unelected globalist technocrats.

  1. Double-speaking schizophrenic idiot. She very deeply treasures “free speech” but wants us to surrender to a “collective conviction” and summon our “collective will.”

    Well, summon this, Jacinda: The word “collective” is anathema to individual sovereignty, individual thinking, and INDIVIDUAL behavior. You can’t make us file in line with your fake love of free speech that is trying to cover over your censorship of control. YOU DON’T KNOW BETTER THAN US. Just look around at the so-called ‘leadership’ you’re part of. You guys broke the world and you only serve up suffering. Again, YOU DON’T KNOW BETTER THAN US. YOU DON’T KNOW BETTER THAN WE DO!!! YOU DON’T KNOW, PERIOD!!!!


  2. I’ll say it again – death is too good for these vile creatures. They all need to experience the collective suffering they inflict on millions of individuals before their last breath is drawn & it can’t happen soon enough for most of us!

  3. Their Psychosis and Naked tyranny, have earned them (and their global masters) a slow rope hanging, and really, for scum like this and all the others who so vehemently declare in verbose specific language, their intent to control, order, enslave and generally master over all people of this vial fkn world; they really don’t need a trial! Their own words have convicted them.

    DTTNWO isn’t just a slogan, it is a forthcoming result due to their actions, like this WEF Skank!

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