Syria will Lead to World War III and it will be Nuclear – Paul Craig Roberts

4USA Watchdog

Former Assistant Treasury Secretary Dr. Paul Craig Roberts says,“Let’s cut to the chase.  It’s got nothing to do with Syria.  The reason they are looking for a fabricated excuse to attack Assad is to continue the radicalization of Muslims in the hopes this spreads into the Muslim populations of Russia and China. . . . Washington intends to weaken the two giants it cannot run over.”    

Dr. Roberts goes on to warn, “I think this will lead to World War III, and that, of course, will be nuclear.”  One big dilemma Dr. Roberts points out, “The issue is will any aspect of the government have any credibility if they back Obama when the rest of the world already knows he’s lying through his teeth? . . . This time the big lie didn’t work like it did in Iraq.”  

On the economic front, Dr. Roberts worries, “If they start abandoning the dollar, the collapse of the exchange rate will bring down the whole house of cards in the United States.  The Fed will lose control.  The banks will fail.  Prices will rise dramatically.  People will essentially not be able to pay their bills.  It will be an unbelievable mess.” What would happen to gold with a Syrian war?  Dr. Roberts says, “If you get a real collapse in the dollar, gold could be $30,000 an ounce.  Who knows?”  Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with economist Dr. Paul Craig Roberts.  

One thought on “Syria will Lead to World War III and it will be Nuclear – Paul Craig Roberts

  1. Yeah like I would listen to a former treasury secretary, who basically was in our inept government. Another inept crook spewing doom and gloom to enhance his agenda.

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