TAYLER HANSEN REPORTS: Nudity, fetish gear, pornographic cartoons on display in front of young children at Austin Pride

By Tayler Hansen – The Post Millennial

Saturday marked Austin’s “Keep Austin Queer’d” Pride event, with the Eventbrite banner advertising over “400,000 attendees.”

The day started off with crochet dildo’s, pornographic portrayals of children’s cartoons, and men in dog masks. It ended with fully exposed breasts, male strippers, furries, the Austin school district bussing children to the parade, police officers holding hands and transporting a Drag Queen, and a lot of attendees justifying nudity in front of children. This event let children under the age of 6 in for free, charged 7-17 year olds $10, and adults $20—all sponsored by Google.



The pricing layout used was clearly designed to encourage young children to attend, despite kink being worn and sold at the event.

Within seconds of entering, I had been recognized and photographed by multiple attendees due to my work exposing “All Ages” Drag Shows in the state, work which eventually led to the passing of SB12. By the time I had captured a few videos I was playing a game of Where’s Waldo with what seemed to be thousands of people. It got to the point where I was being followed everywhere I went and attendees were spreading the word of my presence, some even taking to social media to “warn” others.

Filming raw videos of the LGBTQ+ community grooming children is apparently not popular in this particular crowd I guess?

The parade that followed the event later crossed in front of the State Capitol where it encountered the “Let Women Speak” rally. A group of trans activist and Antifa protesters were in attendance and tried their hardest to shut down the speeches of women who had differing views.


I attempted to interview some of the protesters to understand why they were in opposition to letting women speak on their lived experiences. Of course I had little to no success speaking to them. They would rather scream and flip me off instead of simply explaining their positions on the event they went out of their way to protest. Throughout my interviews leftists tried to shut me down by claiming I am a “Right Wing Extremist” and “Conservative Talk Show Host.” This is a common reoccurrence at these events.

The day started off with crochet dildo’s, pornographic portrayals of children’s cartoons, and men in dog masks. It ended with fully exposed breasts, male strippers, furries, the Austin school district bussing children to the parade, police officers holding hands and transporting a Drag Queen, and a lot of attendees justifying nudity in front of children. This event let children under the age of 6 in for free, charged 7-17 year olds $10, and adults $20—all sponsored by Google.



The pricing layout used was clearly designed to encourage young children to attend, despite kink being worn and sold at the event.

Within seconds of entering, I had been recognized and photographed by multiple attendees due to my work exposing “All Ages” Drag Shows in the state, work which eventually led to the passing of SB12. By the time I had captured a few videos I was playing a game of Where’s Waldo with what seemed to be thousands of people. It got to the point where I was being followed everywhere I went and attendees were spreading the word of my presence, some even taking to social media to “warn” others.

Filming raw videos of the LGBTQ+ community grooming children is apparently not popular in this particular crowd I guess?

The parade that followed the event later crossed in front of the State Capitol where it encountered the “Let Women Speak” rally. A group of trans activist and Antifa protesters were in attendance and tried their hardest to shut down the speeches of women who had differing views.


I attempted to interview some of the protesters to understand why they were in opposition to letting women speak on their lived experiences. Of course I had little to no success speaking to them. They would rather scream and flip me off instead of simply explaining their positions on the event they went out of their way to protest. Throughout my interviews leftists tried to shut me down by claiming I am a “Right Wing Extremist” and “Conservative Talk Show Host.” This is a common reoccurrence at these events.


An hour later The Pride March was led by Austin ISD which bussed students to the event and even gave them custom t-shirts.




To make matters even more interesting, Austin PD marched in the parade holding hands waving LGBTQ+ flags. One officer was even tasked with transporting a drag queen through the parade in the back of his work vehicle.


Not only did Austin PD participate but HEB, Visa, Kroger, Google, and many other large corporations had Pride floats featured in the parade.


It wouldn’t be a Pride Parade without nudity right? Well, despite children being in attendance there was plenty of that to go around. I spoke to a woman who had her breasts fully exposed in front of multiple children and asked if what she was doing was appropriate. She answered by saying “it’s perfectly legal for my breasts to be exposed” and further justified her behavior claiming that “tits are a food source” and are not sexual.


Afterwards I asked a mother whose children saw the topless woman what she thought about bringing children around nudity and kink. She replied by saying “breasts shouldn’t be sexualized, they’re there to feed the children” and that “if they see it (kink) to them it’s probably more like a cartoon. If they ask questions about it we try our best to explain it so that they understand and if not then we just— it’s just a part of their life.”


All of my interviews throughout the night seemed to have a recurring theme. Everyone seemed to believe that nudity and kink is totally acceptable and is even beneficial for children to be around. The interviews below further prove this point.

A man in a pup kink mask told me that “it doesn’t hurt kids to know that it exists.”


I talked to multiple attendees, and they all had a similar answer. “If you don’t like it just don’t come.”


Near the end of the event, I ran into some young Christian boys who were telling attendees to “spread the gospel.”


This course was not taken lightly by some Pride Attendees. While interviewing the young Christians we were immediately doused in Red Bull and called “faggots” after the boys told the attendee to spread the gospel.


By the time the event finished I had seen countless nude people within the vicinity of children. Many shaking their breasts and displaying their kinks proudly.


I’ve covered well over 30 “All Ages” Drag Shows and Pride events in Texas alone and there is always one common reoccurrence I find myself running into. Full grown adults justifying sexual behavior and nudity in front of children under the guise of “acceptance” and “education.” Single mothers seem to make up the largest demographic that’s bringing children to these events but there are of course exceptions to this pattern.

Children being exposed to kink and nudity, just another completely “normal” day in Austin, Texas! We are always reminded of the quote “Don’t mess with Texas” but it doesn’t actually seem to hold any value other than sounding cool.

3 thoughts on “TAYLER HANSEN REPORTS: Nudity, fetish gear, pornographic cartoons on display in front of young children at Austin Pride

  1. Those vids are one worse than the other; they showed me how thick the programming is getting. And corporate is on-board along with police escorts. The whole system is rigged to take us down, steal our children, and reduce humanity to a bunch of non-thinking pervs.

    Could they not know that many won’t be programmed to succumb to their plan? That many will fight it with everything in them?


  2. A town about 30 miles from here, artsy-farsty Marfa, had a “pride parade” of some sort during “Pride Month.” No other town in far west Texas (rural areas…and did they do this in El Paso?) did this nonsense. My advice to the “priders” in Marfa–move to Austin if you want to stay in Texas! Disgusting! Or better yet, New York City, so you can do their abomination aka “Met Gala” crapola!

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