Ten Atrocities that would not exist without Usury

30 million people starve per year, poor countries pay up to ten times more interest on their foreign debts than they receive in development aid.Real Currencies – by Anthony Migchels

30 million people starve per year, poor countries pay up to ten times more interest on their foreign debts than they receive in development aid.  

Poverty amid plenty. Mainly a result of money scarcity through Usury

Poverty amid plenty. Mainly a result of money scarcity through Usury

We have relegated our children to indentured servitude. Without a second thought.

We have relegated our children to indentured servitude. Without a second thought.

All the Usury ultimately ends up with people already owning Trillions. It feeds their avarice, burning away their souls.

All the Usury ultimately ends up with people already owning Trillions. It feeds their avarice, burning away their souls.

They are poisoning our food because there are too many of us. We are buying it, because we need to cut cost to pay off the Usurer. Transnationals would not exist if the many had exist to interest-free capital.

They are poisoning our food because there are too many of us. We are buying it, because we need to cut cost to pay off the Usurer. Transnationals would not exist if the many had exist to interest-free capital.

More and more needs to be monetized to pay off ever higher cost for capital. We are rapaciously plundering Mother Nature, destroying our own habitat.

More and more needs to be monetized to pay off ever higher cost for capital. We are rapaciously plundering Mother Nature, destroying our own habitat.

While we are working harder and harder to pay off the interest on our escalating debts (calling it 'independence' and 'self-realization'), we are deserting those that need care, our elders and children.

While we are working harder and harder to pay off the interest on our escalating debts (calling it ‘independence’ and ‘self-realization’), we are deserting those that need care, our elders and children.

The Usurer is behind the sexualization and degeneration of the Public Domain. He needs us to be distracted by our carnal nature so we won't notice our demise.

The Usurer is behind the sexualization and degeneration of the Public Domain. He needs us to be distracted by our carnal nature so we won’t notice our demise.

Wars exist because they create debt and satisfy the demonic forces that have colonized our leaders, who have become power-crazy because of their Usurpation.

Wars exist because they create debt and satisfy the demonic forces that have colonized our leaders, who have become power-crazy because of their Usurpation.

They are working towards a Global Government. A grandiose Despotism that will finally externalize the Usurer's Hierarchy.


3 thoughts on “Ten Atrocities that would not exist without Usury

  1. This just scratches the surface. Our crooked monetary system is responsible for pretty much all of the world’s non-personal problems.

    The fact that our monetary system creates more debt than it does money is at the root of our society’s degeneration into a cesspool of immorality. It’s the reason people have to “stab each other in the back” to survive, and it’s the driving force behind the imperialism that nations engage in to feed their economies.

    Every nation with this debt-based monetary system must either constantly expand and consume valuable resources, or the economy will eventually collapse. In the case of the United States, we’ve expanded all we can, and stole all we can get away with, and now that many millions have died to feed the bankers, it’s time for our economy to collapse too.

    If we simply had real, honest (un-borrowed) money, there would be such a surplus of wealth that everyone in this country and many others would be able to enjoy a stress-free, easy life with no worries about rent, food, or medical expenses. There would be no need for any crimes involving financial gain, and no need to even work 40 hours per week. Humans would be able to be human again, and enjoy all of the rewards of living a comfortable life with no shortage of money or time, and you’d have absolutely nothing to fight over with anyone but your wife.

    These Zionist bankers have screwed you out of much more than you probably realize. In addition to stealing everyone’s wealth, they’ve also denied us the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Instead of enjoying your life, you’re forced to “make money” regardless of what has to be done to achieve that, and that’s how you’ve been enslaved.

    1. Jolly, truer words have not been spoken. But the bigger crime is that most people are blind to usury. Usury is a cancer that will eat away at the heart of hard working honest people. Goyum, you are nothing more the cattle to the bankers.
      Don’t believe me! Do your home work.

  2. “If we simply had real, honest (un-borrowed) money, there would be such a surplus of wealth that everyone in this country and many others would be able to enjoy a stress-free, easy life with no worries about rent, food, or medical expenses. There would be no need for any crimes involving financial gain, and no need to even work 40 hours per week.”

    Working in construction years ago, I understood the truth of Jolly Roger’s words. I realized that if we had only spent the sum wasted on nuclear weapons and B-52s for the Cold war and spent that money instead on longer-lasting housing, Americans would never have to worry about replacing their roof or siding. There is nothing in the way of materials technology that stands in the way of housing that lasts basically forever — only money, and we don’t have the money because the usurers scammed it from us with their engineered wars.

    Housing, or cars, or anything else that could be designed to last forever is exactly what our civilization’s rulers DON’T want. Their first and foremost goal is to keep up the velocity of money, because that’s what they collect taxes (government) and interest (bankers) on. Anything that slows the velocity of money leaves them hanging out to dry. That’s why the nascent cultural change represented by hippies in the 60’s and 70’s needed to be crushed — they explicitly eschewed consumerism and high incomes. The cultural heirs to the hippies are people who practice “voluntary simplicity” today, and they are just as big a threat to the velocity of money. The government used the War on Drugs to crush hippies. Look at the DHS list of things that make a person a “potential terrorist” and you can see they are demonizing preppers and people who choose voluntary simplicity lifestyles for the same reason.

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