12 thoughts on “Ten Years After – I’d love to change the world

    1. Yes I noticed that too. Awesome. Says something here on The Trenches and what we are about. We cannot be beat and TPTB know it and they are running scared.

  1. One of my all time favorites from ten years after. Thanks Digger, the memories from this song.(blush)

        1. Good people never change bro. I am a classic example of it and I am proud of my lifestyle today as I was back then as well as you also should be. We know what is right because good things never change 😉

  2. I guess I am one of the young ones!! I saw the post and I am like who is that? I still don’t know!!! Sorry!!! 🙂 My time was the 80s hair bands. I know gross, believe me!!!! Thank the stars Metallica was there, because the others I worshipped as a kid were motley crude (gross), rat (grosser), twisted sister ( I need say no more), etc.

    1. Hey Missy welcome to Alvin Lee and 10 years after. 🙂
      Most of the “shred” style players of the 80’s have a lot of thanks to give Alvin, he was the one they all tried to emulate (with varying degrees of success 🙂 He was awesome. 😎 Worth listening to the Bluest Blues also, if you like

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