Employees of a fast food restaurant in Texas fled the service counter and locked themselves inside a freezer, convinced they were being held up, after a group of armed men walked in last Thursday.
But the band of gun-toting ‘bandits’ turned out to be members of Open Carry Texas, the pro-gun group, who were on their way to a peaceful demonstration.
The police were equally as convinced they were dealing with a robbery, with at least a dozen officers showing up at the Jack in the Box in Fort Worth.
‘I would estimate around 10 squad cars showed up, some with two per squad car,’ demonstrator Edwin Haros told NBC 5.

After the ‘hold up’: Employees of a Jack In The Box in Fort Worth, Texas, ran and hid in the freezer after pro-gun group Open Carry Texas walked in for dinner. After coming out, they posed for a photo with some of the members

Police speak with members of Open Carry Texas outside the restaurant in Fort Worth where they were staging a demonstration, which scared some people

Full force: An estimated 10 squad cars arrived at the scene, believing it to be a full-scale robbery by a heavily-armed gang
‘I believe we counted more than 15 officers showed up on scene.’
While the protestors – who advocate that gun owners should be able to openly carry firearms – expressed upset at the way police handled the situation.
However the authorities said anyone would have done the same.
‘(The staff) locked themselves inside a freezer for protection out of fear the rifle-carrying men would rob them,’ Sgt. Ray Bush, with the Fort Worth Police Department, said.
‘The demonstration had no signage that would have alerted anyone to their real purpose, and to our knowledge they did not attempt to contact anyone in the Fort Worth Police Department to advise us prior to the demonstration.’
Open Carry Texas were ‘pushing for the right to carry handguns in public’ outside the restaurant.

Scene: The incident occurred at this Jack in the Box in Fort Worth, Texas, on Thursday

Supporter: Open Carry Texas demonstrator Edwin Haros said he is entitled to carry a gun because ‘police can’t always be there’
Haros said they were ‘not trying to alarm anybody’.
‘We’re doing this because it’s our constitutional right.’
Open Carry Texas members returned to the Jack in the Box following the incident for another meal, taking a photo with the employees, who had since retreated from the freezer.
This isn’t the first time Open Carry Texas has been involved in controversies surrounding guns and restaurants.
After Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz asked customers to not bring guns into the stores, the group carried rifles and shots guns into an Arlington, Texas Starbucks.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2621138/Terrified-fast-food-restaurant-staff-lock-freezer-heavily-armed-pro-gun-group-come-dinner.html#ixzz30xFYx6xP
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The desired effect the progressives want is evident in the reaction from the employees. People don’t seem to mind that the cops carry firearms. What’s the difference if a citizen is carrying? Programming. Everybody is programmed to freak out when they see someone with a firearm. What they don’t realize is that person that is a law abiding citizen could save their life and the citizen won’t overreact (because the cops never do,right?) and shoot them because they can. They say guns kill, well so do cars, but it takes someone operating either one to make that happen.
“‘The demonstration had no signage that would have alerted anyone to their real purpose, and to our knowledge they did not attempt to contact anyone in the Fort Worth Police Department to advise us prior to the demonstration.’”
So we are now supposed to announce to everyone if we are going to exercise our 2nd Article Right?
Amazing the cops didn’t shoot first and ask questions later. I’m surprised everyone came out a live.
Being that this happened in Fort Worth, TX, you’d think they would be used to seeing guns by now. The entire city is filled with cowboys and ranchers with guns all over the place.
In any case, we’re talking about Jack In the Box here, people. Probably the worst fast food joint in the country. Who knows what their employees do in the back with the food. Just ask the people in Michigan. 😉
Glad the police didn’t turn it into a horror show.
So how come there’s no MSM coverage all over this like there is for other people with guns? Maybe because they weren’t told in advance by the government and the CIA since this was obviously not one of their premeditated government propaganda operations.
After all, if this were a false flag, we’d see all new stages in the MSM studios being setup with camera angles everywhere, with analysts and actors already in place for interviews and information spinning out of control and being uploaded in the teleprompters like there’s no tomorrow. But nope. Nothing.
Gee….And I thought the MSM was omni-scient and omni-present. Tsk…tsk…
Just more proof that there’s truly no investigative journalism and reporting anymore in the MSM.
Anyways, seeing as how it had a happy ending, I’m sure that’s another reason why the MSM didn’t want to be bothered with it. After all, they can’t have a story without blood in it. Need it for the ratings. Remember: “If it bleeds, it leads” (from the movie: 15 Minutes)
Bunch of Communist MSM sickos.
Today, Open Carry Texas President, CJ Grisham, spoke directly with the head of corporate security for Jack In The Box who spoke personally with the employees at the restaurant in Fort Worth. The TRUTH is that NOT A SINGLE EMPLOYEE of Jack In The Box hid in a freezer nor did a single employee call 911 or the police. The 911 call was made by a couple in the restaurant. We are working to get the 911 call, the police report, and other recordings to find out where this information originated and expose those reporting false information to achieve their anti-gun agendas. Defamation of an organization in this fashion is serious business and we will not allow it to happen unchallenged. Fort Worth Police Department needs to correct their false statements immediately that painted open carry advocates unfairly in the media.
No. Firearms are for preventing and/or defeating tyranny.
Anything for an extra coffee break on the boss’s time. Get back to work and dodge those bullets.
They should be more worried about that cr@p they serve there (and eat themselves), than about any potential robbers.
AND they should quit watching so much damn t.v.
Open Carry Texas
Open carry advocates legally exercising their right to keep and bear arms made news last week in Fort Worth. Several media agencies immediately reported the presence of armed individuals at the Jack In The Box resulted in employees “locking themselves inside a freezer for protection out of fear the rifle-carrying men would rob them.”
Open Carry Texas reached out to the Fort Worth Police Department and Jack In The Box headquarters to verify this report. While Fort Worth Police Department has failed to explain their statement to the media, Jack In The Box Director of Asset Protection Gene James made the following statement:
“What I can raise my hand on and swear to an oath is that what I was told by my employees is that they did not seek refuge in the freezer. On its face, the freezer thing make no sense.”
Open Carry Texas obtained a copy of the 911 call that resulted in no less than nine patrol cars and 15 officers arriving on scene. The 911 call was not made by an employee or customer inside the Jack In The Box, but by a passerby leaving a nearby Home Depot. He reported seeing armed demonstrators walking “towards” the restaurant.
“It looks I like I seen[sic] four caucasian or white men walking towards the Jack In The Box located off the highway, uh, walking with assault assault rifles and cameras just walking casually through the parking lot.”
The caller later stated, “they’re all wearing, you know, three of them are wearing shorts. They just, you know, dressed casually walking around casually with what looked like assault rifles.”
Open Carry Texas will be releasing the 911 audio once we have been able to edit out personal identifying information later today.
Nice work, Joseph.