The 1% Set Course for their Demise

The New Hampshire Union Leader has put forth a decree naming Newt Gingrich as the GOP candidate for 2012, putting out the signal that the one party system controlled by the top 1% has made its decision.  It will be Newt Gingrich and Barack Obama and then a billion dollars worth of commercial ads pointing out in detail that both are low down thieving criminals.  And then it will be time for we the American people to do our part in this election, summoning up our wisdom and going forth as proud Americans to vote in the least sleazy and evil of the two.

Well you know what, you international elitist scum bags?  It is not going to happen.  Your days of controlling the 99% are over.  We will elect Dr. Ron Paul as president in 2012, either through a GOP ticket or an Independent one.  The false left-right paradigm has been exposed and you do truly look ignorant in trying to perpetuate a fraud that is now common knowledge among we the people.

Your actions to date have been so predictable as to be laughable.  Do you really think we can listen to the words of the Newt and actually take them seriously?  You are pathetic and your days are numbered.

Go ahead, try a false flag event, all you will accomplish is an acceleration to your demise.

Go ahead, don’t think about it, just do it.  Enact full blown martial law when the west coast ports are occupied on the twelfth of December.

There are 40 million of us out here.  We are heavily armed and have been waiting for this final confrontation for most of our lives.  Our greatest want is nothing more than to destroy you and be done with it.

Either way the result in the end will be the same.  We will have our Republic back under our Constitution and the international corporate mafia will be prosecuted and punished for their crimes.  And we the American people of the American race will have guaranteed a future of freedom, liberty, and prosperity to our progeny for many generations into the future.

So I say to the international elite, by all means keep your present course as you march into the Valley of Death.  We wait.

God bless the Republic, death to the international corporate mafia, we shall prevail.

0 thoughts on “The 1% Set Course for their Demise

  1. Newt had to shell out $700,000 in jewelry to his wife to keep her quite while he was campaigning. Apparently, she isn’t to keen on this clown as president. This poor slob doesn’t have an ice cubes chance in hell.

    1. Newt= Salamander=slimy little water guppy in a pond, who dissed his wife, dying of cancer, to screw a pollywog, full of diseased mind numbing pooty-funky-chicken shit. Any questions ?

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