The 9 Stages of Genocide – Target: Everyone Who Dares to Resist the Enslavement and Oppression

In The News Today

Arthur F. Wayne, INTELCASTER – Three years before Gregory Stanton founded Genocide Watch in 1999, he wrote “The 8 Stages of Genocide”. Later, by 2012, he amended 2 more stages to his paper.

Stanton’s 10 Stages of Genocide

  1. Classification: People are divided into “them and us”.
  2. Symbolization: “When combined with hatred, symbols may be forced upon unwilling members of pariah groups…”
  3. Discrimination: “Law or cultural power excludes groups from full civil rights: segregation or apartheid laws, denial of voting rights”.
  4. Dehumanization: “One group denies the humanity of the other group. Members of it are equated with animals, vermin, insects, or diseases.”
  5. Organization: “Genocide is always organized… Special army units or militias are often trained and armed…”
  6. Polarization: “Hate groups broadcast polarizing propaganda…”
  7. Preparation: “Mass killing is planned. Victims are identified and separated out because of their ethnic or religious identity…”
  8. Persecution: “Expropriation, forced displacement, ghettos, concentration camps”.
  9. Extermination: “It is ‘extermination’ to the killers because they do not believe their victims to be fully human”.
  10. Denial: “The perpetrators… deny that they committed any crimes…”

For IntelCaster and the true Resistance out there, I’m going to adapt Stanton’s 10 Stages for use in a 21st-century information wars society (also because the order of Stanton’s suggested stages is wrong).

IntelCaster’s 9 Stages of Genocide

1. Classification

People are divided into “them and us”“: People who get smeared as “anti-Semites” and those who do the smearing.

2. Symbolization

Through the monostream media and the various government agencies, “anti-Semites” are profiled as conspiracy theorists, flat earthers, truthers, neo-nazis, holocaust deniers, climate deniers, anti-vaxxers, incels, lone wolf terrorists etc.

3. Polarization

“Hate groups broadcast polarizing propaganda” in a controlled-opinions spectrum (monostream media).

4. Discrimination

“Law or cultural power excludes groups from full civil rights: segregation or apartheid laws, denial of voting rights”.

Laws are already being passed that make it illegal to 1) criticize Israel and Jews 2) support the boycott, divestment, sanctions (BDS) movement.

The Targets, see Stage 2, are being censored on the internet in various ways. From social media sites terminating user accounts or blocking user content to private websites and people simply vanishing almost overnight for no other reason than having an own world view that is opposed to enslavement and oppression in all its forms.

5. Dehumanization (Current Stage)

“One group denies the humanity of the other group. Members of it are equated with animals, vermin, insects, or diseases.”

Hunting season was, not so figuratively, opened with the launch of Hunters (2020 TV series). A parody of alleged real-life nazi hunters in the 1970s.

Especially the series its depicted TV show, “Why Does Everyone Hate the Jews?“, which is reminiscent of the Hunger Games films their depicted public spectacles, clearly serves as a tool for conditioning (programming) the perception of the general public. That it is OK to demonize, dehumanize and “hunt” the Targets (Stage 2).

6. Organization

“Genocide is always organized… Special army units or militias are often trained and armed…”

In addition, online, people are targeted by government-funded and sectarian agents and groups of agents. They are profiled and harassed. Dubious hacker brigades infiltrate and disrupt potential real grassroots uprisings.

“Mass killing is planned. Victims are identified and separated out because of their ethnic or religious identity…”

Indeed, the Targets are profiled and isolated (communication has already become much harder online), because they do not believe in the revisionist zionists their ‘new religion’ (death cult), which includes the normalization of “foster parents” having sex with their foster child.

Also, trials like the 2019-2020 coronavirus “outbreak” are run to streamline future mass arrests and mass snatchings. The Targets have to be taken out (that is the mindset of the revisionist zionists) and a virus outbreak is a perfect cover for letting people, the real dissenters, disappear.

7. Persecution

“Expropriation, forced displacement, ghettos, concentration camps”.

A virus outbreak, among many other scenarios, is a perfect cover for letting people, the real dissenters, disappear.

8. Extermination

“It is ‘extermination’ to the killers because they do not believe their victims to be fully human”.

9. Denial

“The perpetrators… deny that they committed any crimes…”

George Orwell’s “Memory Hole” comes to mind. The snatching, oppression and enslavement never happened. History gets rewritten (if we let them get away with it).

That is also why all those “fact checker” websites have popped up in the past 5 years. These are some of the enablers of the memory-holing.

See video here: In The News Today


5 thoughts on “The 9 Stages of Genocide – Target: Everyone Who Dares to Resist the Enslavement and Oppression

  1. “….A virus outbreak, among many other scenarios, is a perfect cover for letting people, the real dissenters, disappear…..”

    Yes…. I fully expect that the insurgent government will use this corona virus to seriously clamp down on the U.S. population (why wouldn’t they?), but that doesn’t mean the virus is a hoax. They also want to cull the population, so this serves two of their goals.
    No one’s taking me anywhere alive.

    1. As I always say to anyone trying to “get me”…watch out for…well you Trenchers know what “feline” I mean…oh yeah, and bears and 600 pound feral hogs as well.

      And then you have Noahide. I know I bring this up a lot and it may be just Talmudic fascination and a distraction, but every Christian that visits this site needs to be prepared.

  2. Arthur, I admire your mind. I very much appreciated how you took these sequential points and tied them in with what we are seeing and experiencing today. The template has been laid out. We must stop it in its tracks, each individual, one at a time. Thanks for your work, Arthur.


  3. Guys, Trenchers,

    I wrote the 9 Stages of Genocide to make the point that we are not playing games in these, well, potentially lethal information wars.

    When I look at how the alt media, in all its different forms (see our “Source” list over at IntelCaster), has for a long time, by now, been fixated on mainstream jive, I can’t help but see that basically none of them, except for the few that are listed under “Safe”, are actually fighting the fight.

    (When I write “our source list” I mean just that. “Our”. Mine and yours. I create my content not just for myself but also for “Trenchers” and all other remaining rebel outposts.)

    Because lets face it, the fact that we can actually document how a real-life genocide is taking shape clearly shows that we have long passed the stage of alerting the public about the “new world order” and “globalists” (god, I HATE those phrases. What do they even mean? When you really think about it.).

    We are talking about an extermination of US, not them… US. Although this extermination agenda is far from completed, it can not be anything else but our main concern. Yet, I don’t see this reflected in the reporting of the alt media outlets, which all claim to be fighting against… you get it… the “new world order” and “globalists”.

    So, lets make it a habit to get straight down to the bottom line, that’s what the 9 Stages of Genocide do. It skips all the noise and static and informs you about what the deal is. And it’s a horrible deal.

    I’m not going to sit here watch all the fluff passing by while “they” are advancing their genocidal agenda.

    Who f-king cares what Trump or Jinping said or did. What places they went and how they shook hands. They are not going to, nor are they willing to, halt or sabotage this genocidal agenda. That much I can guarantee you (not that you need me for that, to know this).

    What’s the point of continuing what has not been working? There’s absolutely no point to it at all – AT ALL.

    Damn it people. When will you (I’m not addressing Trenchers here because you already understand it and are key allies) see that the “new world order” and the “world government” are already here? That the “globalists” are already in the driver’s seat?

    Look on your pack of cigarettes or rolling tobacco, if you smoke. The “smoking kills” sign is right there and it’s the freaking same all around the world, in pretty much every country. Only a world government can achieve this. That’s not the work of just a secret cabal. It’s called the world government, with the UN as its mouthpiece.

    How about CO2 taxes? They’ve been implemented and are being collected for a very long time already? Who do you think is responsible for that? It sure isn’t the “globalist insiders” who are trying to create a world government because it’s already there. It has been created already.

    How about this whole coronavirus scam. Surely, only an active world government can organize something on this scale. From stalling the declaring of a pandemic (see Larry Summers his involvement), while “official” numbers indicate that a pandemic is pretty much what we are in right now (for a few weeks already), to lacing the ‘news’ wires with “33” (for whatever reason their sick and perverted minds want this to be so).

    Unless a world government (that new world order) is in place, it would be impossible to pull all this off.

    This is how the true Resistance has separated itself from the ‘chaff’. By knowing and telling what is not supposed to be known and told.

    If I was completely wrong, and therefore would only be making a fool out of myself, how, then, is it possible to document the existence of a “monostream media”? Think about it. How would that even be possible if it didn’t exist? Yet, here we are.

    If I was a total nutcase for claiming that the 9 Stages of Genocide are real, why then can I provide irrefutable evidence to back up my claims, right there in the 9 Stages of Genocide?

    If we, the true Resistance, are so very wrong (and evil, because we also dare to uproot controlled opposition outposts) then, please, tell me why none of the monostream media outlets have the guts to “debunk” anything and everything that we have been pointing out?

    We are at war in a very different way than is being told in alt media circles and echo chambers.

    This is one of my war stories and I hope that you too will stand shoulder to shoulder with me, as you tell me everything about your war stories on the frontlines of the 21st century information wars.

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