One thought on “The Bolshevism & Zionism Dialectic | Christopher Jon Bjerknes

  1. I purposely did not even look at this video because Henry was pissed at me for thinking I am an elitist. Save me Billary! I already know that bolshevism and zionism are directly tied to the west and it’s hit our shores from sea to shining sea. I’ve read Hegel and Engels and Marx and it just don’t cut it. Might as well read Kaynes or Krugman, although Keynes’s ” Economic Consequences of the peace” made pretty good sense coming from a economic fool. Forget what’s wrong and look at what’s right. Ludwig Von Mises, Murray Rothbard, Guido Hulsman. Why not a shining story of these wonderful human beings rather than a rehashing of a bunch of fools who had great minds and small ideas? Thanks for your tolerance, Henry, and I love you like a brother. To fully understand that you’d have to know that I love my brother and he swears by CNN. His idea of history is remembering what he had for breakfast. And I love him dearly. Thanks.

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