The censorship has started here is what happened to me.

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My comment on Facebook to  title: The Illuminati staged US. Presidential Election ……showing Trump making the six, six, six symbol with this hand 6 times in photographs..

Susan E. Barrett Just remember 7 plus years ago with Hope and Change and I Can red flags go up. The Elite play games with us so tread carefully we are easily played. I refuse to play this game and I will not choose. Too many years of being fooled. Remember Perot? Ron Paul? now Trump? Do you really think that this is for real? .

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11 thoughts on “The censorship has started here is what happened to me.

  1. I would have thought that being a warning steered toward Trump would easily fly but I was surprised to see that it did not. What is going on here are they really playing us?

    Also note it was a Facebook post and the story is still there on my timeline but I can not comment on my own page. That was the kicker

    1. Ive been getting censored on a lot of posts on other forums, just recently as today ..
      the post gets held up for “moderation” and than never appears ..

      not here yet , but other alt-news sources

  2. Went back to check it was removed within an hour along with my comment that never posted. I can only wonder what the reaction will be when all we get is businesses, sports, games, music and no meat but only propaganda coming from all sides. I wont pay for that for sure.

  3. Maybe this site could be set up on a bulletin board so it can be accessed by phone line and an old fashion modem. Old technology is harder to break than the new stuff.

  4. FarceBook? Really? You are still actually using that platform after all has been proven and said about it. The government mafia love you for that.

    1. Sure am, it’s how I can keep track and hear from my family scattered all over the country. Sometimes I respond to someone elses post but that is about it. Besides with all the spying they already know all about me from many other sources and like I can do anything about it. I am not going to stop living because of a snoopy government, I haven’t got long anyway so I am going to do as I please and enjoy it all. I have no fear it got worn away.

  5. More and more I have to use a search engine (not google) whenever I get one of these notices. 9 times out of 10 I can find the content on some obscure site. I wonder for how long.

  6. Rule number 1: DON’T USE FACEBOOK! (aka CIABOOK)

    How many times must I say that?

    Sorry, Grin, but I just don’t understand why people still use that thing, especially people from the trenches who know it is 150% spyware. It’s like slapping yourself in the face.

  7. This is the ONLY place I could ever possibly be censored, since it’s the ONLY place I ever post anymore.

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