The Federal Reserve Is Not “Independent” Or “Apolitical”

Washington’s Blog

The Fed Is Very Political … And Serves the Big Banks and the Powers-That-Be

The Federal Reserve likes to pretend that it is “independent” and “apolitical”.

The facts are different:  

  • According to Robert D. Auerbach – an economist with the U.S. House of Representatives Financial Services Committee for eleven years, assisting with oversight of the Federal Reserve, and subsequently Professor of Public Affairs at the University of Texas at Austin – the Fed had a hand in Watergate and arming Saddam Hussein.  See this and this
  • The Fed threw money at “several billionaires and tens of multi-millionaires”, including billionaire businessman H. Wayne Huizenga, billionaire Michael Dell of Dell computer, billionaire hedge fund manager John Paulson, billionaire private equity honcho J. Christopher Flowers, and the wife of Morgan Stanley CEO John Mack


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