The Free American National’s Pledge

Our Pledge as Individuals, Free Men and Women as Sovereigns by the nature of our existence.  We Pledge eternal resistance to all forms of tyranny and all human beings whom would, as individuals, or as a group assembled in whatever form that may be, including, but certainly not limited to, All Governments, Societies, Committees, Corporations (of any kind), Groups, Clubs, Administrative entities under any of these or what have you, profess to claim an Authority to dictate or make mandates or obligations upon us, as individuals or as a whole body in and among these lands we call America, outside of our historical common law rights and the enumerated bill of rights.   

For there can exist no authority that overrides the people’s bill of rights and our common law.  So long as myself or any other individual or group, does not harm or injure another human beings property or person, nor use fraud in any agreements or contract made, then there can exist no recourse against me unless such can be proven under our bill of rights and common law.

This has been the way of our people and freedom, and liberty since the founding of these lands under the constitutional construct that was the United States of America, each State being as Sovereign, as if a Country unto itself, and the natural born people within the respective States were and Are Sovereign unto themselves and their own, as Kings in our own right.  We claim a natural right under these concepts of existence, by the fact that we live and breathe that we are, Sovereign Individuals, with pure liberty and freedom, which is absolute and is the core value of a freeman or women.

We reject all concepts of an Authority that exists, where a body of people can delegate rights to other human beings and their fictional entity construct that you or I, as individuals do not possess, the examples are numerous and legion as of the writing date of this pledge of a free people.  We are not obligated to accept, follow and live under what another person(s), or any above mentioned assemblies or fictions, mandated version of freedom is for us.  We reject such an assumption and notion, that we are party to some greater social compact agreement, and with the act of participating in some majority rule, vote system, that somehow our sovereign rights as described previously can be waived or adjudicated under various claimed authority and claimed jurisdictions.

We as a free people can no longer bare the weighty tyranny from a system put in place for very specific reasons, being the primary reason of fully protecting and enforcing our enshrined Bill of Rights and our common law.  Our understanding is that, The Articles as written and presented and understood by the humans of that era is, that the people’s bill of rights is sacrosanct and cannot and will not, ever be violated and will always be enforced by the individual up to and including deadly force for willfully violating such rights in the factual reality of the moment.

The current American system of Government, has from nearly the outset from the founding of this place we call America, fully failed to perform their job as understood, to protect and enforce the people’s bill of rights.  We as free men and women who claim existence and the desire and will, to live under our own version of freedom, free from aggression by anyone or any fictional entity or agent of any such entity, claiming authority over us, hereby pledge our allegiance, our fortunes, our lives and hope for a free future based on the precepts of the people’s bill of rights and common law, we will, take the necessary actions required to enforce our rights as provided to us by the creator, whoever or whatever the individual believes that to be.

10 thoughts on “The Free American National’s Pledge

    1. Thanks Darzak, I just tried to sit back and think clearly about how to state, definitively what it means to be a freeman/woman and how to place that into clear words that do not equivocate.

      Aloha, Norm

    1. Did you create that work of art, Henry? If so, you need to sell it on t-shirts! (if I still had my silk-screen t-shirt equipment…)

  1. Doesn’t get any clearer than that Norm, great words. The last paragraph sums it up nicely.

  2. Thank you, Norm. I can feel the passion of this, the commitment. It’s like a fire is being started in the soul. I gotta blame Henry.

    This stood out, Norm:

    “We … pledge our allegiance, our fortunes, our lives.”

    That’s everything we got. That’s no holding back. That’s the journey. I know I’ve got some distance to go, but as they say, one foot in front of the other is a start. Thanks for the fire.


    1. Thanks again, I don’t like talking much anymore…and don’t wish to ramble on, we have a lawless system…and we all here know what is coming sooner or later….I am working on a few other diatribes similar to this one though and will share them with Henry’s ok.

      I really just want the young folks to get this into their heads and spread the seeds so to speak, most the adults are lost to the status quo….

      We will never have freedom again in this world anywhere unless we earn it, and as Henry says, it ain’t gonna be cheap….

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