The IDF has posted videos of them blowing up Mosques They are trying to provoke other Islamic country’s to attack so America can fight their wars for them

One thought on “The IDF has posted videos of them blowing up Mosques They are trying to provoke other Islamic country’s to attack so America can fight their wars for them

  1. “So it turns out the IDF has been running a Telegram channel featuring homemade snuff films in which Gazans are brutally murdered by Israeli forces, captioned with celebrations of the gore and pain therein like ‘Burning their mother… You won’t believe the video we got! You can hear their bones crunch.’ The IDF had previously denied any association with the channel, but Haaretz now reports that it was directly run by an IDF psychological warfare unit. … However bad you think Israel is, you can always be sure that information will come out later that proves it’s even worse.”
    — Caitlin Johnstone, The War on Disobedience

    “The Internet Exposed the Genocide – If the Gaza genocide had happened pre-internet it would’ve been a fringe issue hardly anyone knew about. The Western press would have been able to get away with exponentially more cover-ups of Israeli crimes, Western politicians would’ve been able to get away with way more lies about what’s really happening, Israeli officials would have been far less careful about their statements of genocidal intent in their own media, and the IDF would’ve been vastly more blatant and obvious about its extermination campaign. It’s only because normal people are getting eyes into what’s really happening that this issue is subject to worldwide outcry and condemnation that has placed the empire on the back foot. The political/media class never does the right thing because it wants to, it does the right thing when it is forced to by normal human beings with healthy consciences. The fate of humanity rests on the ability of ordinary people to freely circulate truth.”
    — Caitlin Johnstone, The War on Disobedience


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