The Red Sea has been witnessing a naval battle! Clashes with zionists ships, with the presence of American/Britain carriers and destroyers. Four ships have been targeted so far

8 thoughts on “The Red Sea has been witnessing a naval battle! Clashes with zionists ships, with the presence of American/Britain carriers and destroyers. Four ships have been targeted so far

  1. To some, Greater Israel might just look like a pain in the a**. People with brains know it’s out to devour us.


    Well, no guarantees of not being devoured, but at least you didn’t take it sitting down.


  2. Oh they’re attacking the “zionist” ships. Just like it’s the “globalists” imposing their total control grid on the world & it’s the “bankers” imposing financial control & the “corporations” screwing us over. When are people FINALLY going to grow the balls necessary to start using the correct word in EVERY circumstance where these f*cking parasites are forcing their evil on the rest of us?!

    I realize it’s all these media scumbags & agents doing it so why do we let them speak for everybody else? I really don’t care WHAT form of media or where it’s posted – if you can’t or won’t call a spade a spade then you’re probably the enemy!!!

    PS. Is this “naval battle” being confirmed anywhere else or filmed by anyone else? To be completely cynical in this day & age this blurry “footage” could be anything including edited video game FMV or custom CGI. Just had to add that as that thought’s always there whenever I see anything like this from twatter or any other social media outlet…

    1. The “small hats”? Nope. Read my comment above. It’s just 3 little letters with an added ‘s’ for the collective. JUST SAY IT!

      “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles…” – Sun Tsu

      1. I saw that as well. Saddened by the news of John’s passing. I think he was about 80. I always enjoyed his radio shows and articles. At some point, the keyboards and microphones are going to have to be replaced by something else.

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