3 thoughts on “The Rules for Rulers

  1. Well, he uses the word “democracy” as if it’s a good thing. Beyond that, very good points. Main take-away for me: Every move they make is to keep themselves in power. Be it war, surveillance, taxes, prison, all are there to assure those at the top remain at the top. Nothing new to Trenchers, but if the rest of the world knew this, the game would be so busted.

    But in the last 62 seconds he sprinkles in defeatism. Says we “cannot escape structures of power,” but “can only turn a blind eye to understanding them.” Says “without power, you (we) can affect nothing.” Guess he doesn’t understand the power of resolve, resolve of a people who won’t be subjugated.

    He says that maybe if you or I were on the throne, we’d be different. Which brought a question to mind: Does absolute power, as we’ve been told, corrupt absolutely?” I mean in ALL cases? Is that idea not based on the assumption that all are ultimately corrupt and therefore incapable of just leadership, leadership that rotates according to the choice of the people? Often I’ve asked myself this.


    1. If the Bill of Rights is enforced with zero tolerance there can be no absolute power, except within the individual, and each individual is equal in power. So absolute would be stopped where the infringement occurred and would be litigated with equality. And twelve prostitutes, ditch diggers, or hamburger flippers would decide what is absolute for the individual judging the question against their own rights.
      No rulers. All sovereign.

      1. .
        Thank you. I understand.
        Just to take it a bit further… I’ve often heard the saying, “Humans are inherently good.” If true, it’s difficult to see how corruption seeps in. If not true, then it could mean that all are capable of being corrupted. I’d like to think of myself as being uncorruptable (ha! – tongue in cheek).


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