The sickening eulogies will now begin at the death at 100 of Henry Kissinger, but in truth a demon of demons has returned to his dark demonic lair.

6 thoughts on “The sickening eulogies will now begin at the death at 100 of Henry Kissinger, but in truth a demon of demons has returned to his dark demonic lair.

  1. Yep, the “dark demonic lair,” the “outer darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth” (Matthew 8:12-spoken by Jesus Christ).

  2. Some things he said:

    “It’s not a matter of what is true that counts, but a matter of what is perceived to be true.”

    “Today, America would be outraged it U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order. Tomorrow they will be grateful!! This is especially true if they were told that there were an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will plead to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished to the guaranteed of their well0being granted to them by The World Government.”

    “Depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the third world because the US economy will require large and increasing amount of minerals from abroad, especially from less developed countries.”

    “Military men are just dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy.”

    “The Elderly are useless eaters.”

    “The security of Israel is a moral imperative for all free peoples.”

    “Power is the great aphrodisiac”


  3. Some deaths are celebrated. Some are mourned. Today one whom some might say is the polar opposite of Kissinger also passed. Lead singer of the Irish punk group, The Pogues, Shane MacGowan. A most incredible song-writer. And though he struggled with alcoholism all his life, he turned out songs that were of the people and full of rebellion. I mourn his passing.

    Here is the tender Liam Clancy singing Shane’s own song back to him:


  4. Henry Kissinger was Secretary of State for the US. His legacy is:

    Organizing detente with China. Which would lead to normalized relations with China leading to the China of today, which depending on where you live today might either make you happy, sad, concern, or furious.

    Advocating for the unrestricted bombing in Cambodia to stop the Vietcong from using the Ho Chi Minh trail, a complete fuking war crime as Cambodia was not involved, was at peace with the US and had little to do with Vietnam. This laid the groundwork for an upswell of support for the Khmer Rouge, who then went on to commit genocide. Even after the genocide, Kissinger advocated for friendship with the Khmer Rouge, as they were more aligned with Beijing than Moscow.

    He supported Pakistani military dictators and generals against Bengal’s war of independence. The Pakistanis were committing what has been called “selective genocide”.

    He worked towards detente with the USSR and Brezhnev, including SALT 1, aimed at limiting nuclear proliferation.

    Kissinger didn’t tell Nixon immediately about the outbreak of the Yom Kippur war, as he worried Nixon would get involved before the situation would be beneficial to Israel.

    Kissinger was a key player in having Allende assassinated in Chile, replacing him with the right-wing dictator and murderous bastard, Augusto Pinochet.

    He supported the Argentinian Junta for couping Isabella Peron, who had won her democratic election. This junta would go on to murder and disappear tens of thousands, culminating in the Falklands war.

    Kissinger was a proponent of Brazil getting a nuclear weapons program, mainly because it was a right-wing junta in power *(are we seeing a trend, yet?)*

    Kissinger publicly engaged in talks with Rhodesia to put an end to the war, and transition to black majority rule. Privately, he told the racist, apartheid loving Ian Smith that he admired him.

    Following the breakdown of Estado in Portugal (Salazzar’s dictatorship), decolonization started for what remained of the Portuguese empire. One of those was East Timor. Sudharta, Indonesia’s military ruler, decided he would annex the territory, and damn the wants and desires of local East Timorans. Kissinger supported the Indonesian president, in an on-going occupation that has killed many, many tens of thousands. It’s possibly worse and more brutal than the Israeli occupation of West Bank, but no one cares.

    West Sahara, a problem area to this day, was forcibly conceded away from Spain. Kissinger supported passing this territory, despite the locals desire for independence, and didn’t inform President Ford about an upcoming Moroccan invasion. Another whoopsie moment, I guess.

    Aided in behind-the-back talks with Vietcong forces to keep the Vietnam War going, sabotaging peace talks with Johnson and South Viet government which prolonged the War another *FIVE YEARS* until Nixon could conveniently end the war. As well as Operation Menu and Operation Freedom Deal, Vietnam War era atrocities ordered by Nixon and Kissinger to bomb the ever-loving shit out of Cambodia, with an estimated 55,000-150,000 civilian deaths and causing a massive refugee crisis, and to this day the soil in that region of Cambodia is thick with unexploded bombs.
    Those are the big lines. Basically, there’s maybe one good thing, possibly two (detente with China and the USSR), but all the rest is the epitome of the US’s Cold War imperialist strategy, propping up bloodthirsty far-right dictators who use hit squads and carve people’s hands off, so long as it benefitted the US to some degree in the short term.
    A lot of his decisions ultimately made the world a worse place, and their current status remains problematic, like East Timor, Western Sahara and Israel.

    In addition to his carpet bombing of civilians in Laos and Cambodia, he was the architect who helped empower a host of brutal dictators and genocides around the world. East Timor, Pinochet, Bangladesh, Angola, the continuation of South African apartheid, General Videla, and Uruguay.

    It is almost impossible to overstate the amount of suffering this one man is responsible for laying on the most vulnerable people on Earth. Literally, just Google Kissinger plus your choice of and prepare to rage.

    He was an actual living villain who dedicated his life to making life much worse for those who were already destitute around the world. where hes at now is hot as hell , sucks he lived this long

  5. I actually mourn for his loss because the people of the world themselves never got to punish and see the frog faced bastard suffer and hang for all the crimes he committed.

    He, like Rockefeller and Rothschild, got off way too lightly.

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