The Syrian War What You’re Not Being Told

Published on Sep 3, 2013 by StormCloudsGathering

What’s really going on in Syria? Let’s look at the evidence.
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3 thoughts on “The Syrian War What You’re Not Being Told

  1. the info in this video is
    current, presented in a lineal manner that all who watch and think about it
    can understand
    and so please,,,,,pass this on to your family members
    ask them to think for themselves of this information
    then each person pass this on to a friend…
    please do that…
    thank you

    1. My thoughts exactly rbreason, I just sent this one out to everyone I know. Knowledge is the key for a stronger resistance!!. Our time is now! Now while the truth is gaining momentum and people are awaking from the trance they’ve been under. Sheeple are starving for the truth and this regime is weak and in question by many who have been asleep at the wheel. We need to flood the inboxes and beat the war drums to take our nation back!!!!! Spread the word to all that you can!!!!

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