10 thoughts on “The Word From the Trenches – August 23, 2018

  1. 62 now, 79 hi (doubtful at this rate), 53 lo. Completely overcast, gloomy. But the skies are more brown than grey… DAMN SMOKE!!! 😡

  2. I never registered for the draft.

    Even as a teenager, I could see how wrong it was (Vietnam war)… so I never even gave them the chance to draft me.

    Sold out, gotta blaze. Back later.


  3. Thank you Henry. The acquaintances I know, outside of the posters at FTTWR, are sh*t stupid about what’s really happening. Some of them are thanking God for the good things that are happening while I’m rolling my eyes & thinking OMG, on the other end of the phone line. And they won’t listen to the facts either.

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