There is No ‘Finishing the Job’ with Schumer and Gun-Grabbers Always Demanding More

Ammoland – by David Codrea

USA – -( “We need to close the loopholes that still remain in the background check system and finish the job that Jim and Sarah Brady started so many years ago,” New York Senator Chuck Schumer threatened at a Brady Center awards function. “We are going to bring the universal background check bill to the floor of the senate, early next year, and with your help we’re going to win!”

As usual, he’s lying. The “job” the Bradys took over, now under the “stewardship” of current president Dan Gross and a new crop of totalitarian lobbyists, was articulated by the organization’s founder, Pete Shields, back before the group decided they had to change their name from “Handgun Control, Inc.” to something that hid their true intentions.   Here’s what Shields told The New Yorker back in 1976:  

We’re going to have to take one step at a time, and the first step is necessarily — given the political realities — going to be very modest. . . . [W]e’ll have to start working again to strengthen that law, and then again to strengthen the next law, and maybe again and again. Right now, though, we’d be satisfied not with half a loaf but with a slice. Our ultimate goal — total control of handguns in the United States — is going to take time. . . . The first problem is to slow down the number of handguns being produced and sold in this country. The second problem is to get handguns registered. The final problem is to make possession of all handguns and all handgun ammunition-except for the military, police, licensed security guards, licensed sporting clubs, and licensed gun collectors-totally illegal.

There are other “jobs” Schumer wants to finish as well. He wants to ban semi-automatics because he says “there’s no legitimate use for them.” He wants to ban standard capacity magazines. He wants “national security”-based disarmament. He wants to keep registration records. He doesn’t want to allow you to transport your personal safety tools — even in your checked luggage. He wants to feed U.S. tax dollars to foreign gun-grabbers. He wants to sue gun manufacturers and dealers out of existence for the acts of criminals. He wants to end private sales.

And when he gets all those goals completed, he’ll call each one a good first step and move on to his next objective, until the government enjoys a total monopoly of violence.

As for completing the job Schumer cited for his Brady admirers, let’s first understand what the job really is. Per the “Summary of Select Firearm Violence Prevention Strategies” by the National Institute of Justice, “Effectiveness [of ‘universal background checks’] depends on the ability to reduce straw purchasing, requiring gun registration [emphasis added] …”

But even after saying that his registration-masked-as-safety scam would “finish the job,” Schumer and his co-conspirators are out there grabbing for more.

“As NRA, Wayne LaPierre continue to hide, Bratton, Schumer join push to ban suspected terrorists from buying guns,” Fourth Estate Fifth Columnists at The New York Daily News crow. Rather than act as watchdogs on government power and abuse as befits a responsible free press, they instead use blatant propaganda imagery to sway a dull readership into believing it is NRA enabling terrorists rather than those who demand victim defenselessness. It’s yet another example of the adage that for “progressives,” every day is Opposite Day, especially in light of what the Founders deemed “necessary to the security of a free State.”

What the revived “terror watch list” chorus is doing is dusting off a “job” they’ve been trying to finish for some time —The New York Times was screaming the same hysterical narrative six years ago. PBS and AP picked it up in 2011, then NPR in 2013.

Simply put, which means those who covet your rights will never put it simply, a free society does not infringe on rights without due process. As we’ve seen in the past, all it takes to get added to a “terror watch list” is taking a 25-foot giant inflatable pink pig to protest rallies (seriously — I’m not making that up!), and as for unintentional additions, if it took Ted Kennedy and his staff THREE FULL WEEKS to get his name off the “No Fly” list.

How long do you think it would take you? Especially with the entire process being kept secret?

That’s as good an indicator as any that these totalitarian wannabes won’t consider the job finished with the evisceration of due process, either. It also gives a pretty good clue as to why they so desperately want our guns, as well as the danger of giving an inch to those who won’t be satisfied until they have it all.

About David Codrea:

David Codrea is the winner of multiple journalist awards for investigating / defending the RKBA and a long-time gun rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

He blogs at “The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance,” and also posts on Twitter: @dcodrea and Facebook.

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7 thoughts on “There is No ‘Finishing the Job’ with Schumer and Gun-Grabbers Always Demanding More

  1. Closing loopholes, making communities safer, promoting responsible gun ownership, protecting children, etc. etc.

    “There is No ‘Finishing the Job…” And that’s the key. always moving from one restriction to the next, and that’s how you know it’ll never stop. Their goal is complete disarmament, and they’ve said so themselves.

    1. I think those are all Muslim names. Everyone knows that they hate our freedom. And the Jews and Israelis? Why, they’re the freedom-loving good guys! Sean Hannity told me so!

      1. Haha I think even my 81 year old dad is even starting to get the big picture, despite his alphabet soup agency brainwashing. It’s becoming THAT obvious. Add Sugarmann/vpc and sen Lautenberg to those Muslim names, while we’re at it

  2. I took a brisk walk today, looking behind every tree, scurried through the brush, looked underneath rocks, and, I’ll be damned, our local pigs appear to be keeping all those Muslim “terrorists” swept clean of our streets, thank God!

    Then, one could think that maybe it’s the terrorists telling us to look for the terrorists that are the terrorists.

  3. Its like a spider web being built it keeps going and going.

    They will not stop trying to get firearms. That is the only thing that keeps them scared. If we have no guns they will throw MILLIONS INTO FEMA CAMPS.NEVER GIVE UP FREEDOMS OR GUNS. Especially now since terrorists plan to storm America.


  4. “We’re going to have to take one step at a time,…”


    Their last step will be the one that’s over the line.

    And it won’t be subtle.

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