They Are Targeting Us All So Be Prepared

Quentin booker

Sep 28, 2019

decided to share this just in case folks think this is a game . I’M HERE TO WARN YOU IT’S NOT. I FEAR FOR MY SAFETY EVERYDAY..I FIGHT BECAUSE SOMEONE HAS TO FIGHT NOT BECAUSE I REALLY WANT TO. I DIDN’T CHOSE THIS, IT CHOSE ME. check this video out of cop coming to my home…

15 thoughts on “They Are Targeting Us All So Be Prepared

  1. “somebody got to take the bullet…I’ll gladly take it”…………Quentin, ‘give’ the bullet, let the pig ‘take’ it

  2. I want to meet this guy, tell him in person the Trenches has his back. This is important..

    This also shows us that many of the cops will turn to US in a heartbeat, AND many in the military as well. You just saw it first hand with this cop in this video. I just feel this cop in some way knows what’s up. After all, he is human…He knows what hes up against, sure he probably wanted to find something to make a arrest, that’s his fkg job. BUT, when the rubber meets the road, many will turn, QUICK..

    Yes, I’m an optimist ( it gets me in trouble a lot) it’s a fault of mine I guess.. FREEDOM…..


  3. Don’t trust him for a SECOND. They can not nor ever be a “good guy”.

    I’d have their backs but only to keep my sights trained on them and use them as a bullet trap.

    When SHTF, they and theirs would never be welcome to my camp and their traitorous actions have only proven their opportunistic self-serving crimes, and if they DO choose to fight with US it will only be because it is more of the same opportunistic decisions being made.

    PGTOW will be the direction they will have to kick that can further on up the road and away from me.

  4. this is why i use a fake name and ”hide” my location. it doesn’t make me afraid. i think it makes me smart. if they do come to my house and use this name, there’ll be no discussions. I’ll KNOW why they’re here! like these black folk that do up their cars, there’s one here we call the Dr Pepper car ’cause he’s advertising he has ’23s’ on it! stickers in the window, painted that maroon Dr Pepper color.. he’s just marking himself. you don’t know how bad i want to put a fuk israel fuk tha pO-lice sticker on my truck but i just damn don’t dare! trouble is easy to find. no need to aks for it!! i wrote Henry a letter some months back and told him my name and state. he is the only one on the innerwebs that knows, that I’ve ever told. you can keep your head down and still see what’s going on. i like to think that’s what I’m doing. this is also why I’ll never make videos. voice recognition and they can tell where and when a video was uploaded from. sure, they know me but i ain’t gonna help ’em at all, if i got anything to say or do about it. Quentin Booker, American Patriot.

  5. I just commented on his you tube comment section asking him to come on Henry’s show and how I want to meet him. This is the kind of person we need to be communicating with as much as possible, seriously..

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