Thinking About Voting? Read This First

Anti-Media – by Dan Sanchez

Colin Kaepernick has been abstaining from standing for the national anthem. Self-styled patriots have been losing their minds over it. That is because they are true believers in a cult. The cult is the State.

All states are cults: religions. And like all religions, states have sacraments, including holy rituals. The national anthem is one of the holy ritual sacraments of the cult of the American State. Those fully initiated and indoctrinated in that cult have been programmed to go into attack mode when divergent cult members (heretics) fail to observe such sacraments, like the national anthem or the pledge of allegiance to the holy pole cloth. Such peer pressure is how cults maintain their numbers.  

Voting is another one of those sacramental rituals. As with the national anthem and pledge of allegiance, true believers are aghast when you advocate abstention from voting. School, which is our chief initiation into the State cult, thoroughly and universally indoctrinates its initiates into the sacrament of voting and democracy. We’ve all been brainwashed from the time we were tiny children into the holy myth of democracy: that democracy is what makes us special, what makes America exceptional; that patriots suffered and died for democracy, from the Suffragettes to the Civil Rights movement, from the Revolution to the Civil War to World War II to the War on Terror; that through voting we are empowered to fight for what’s right, to make our country, our very lives, better. You can see how important this sacrament is to the State cult from all of the voting propaganda pushed by the government and the establishment media.

But here’s the thing. Like all mystic rituals, the ritual of voting is based on superstition. Like an incantation or a rain dance, it is based on the superstition that great good can come of a mere gesture. Just as the rain dancer thinks he can summon rain that will save his crops, the voter thinks he can summon reform that will save his country.

But again, it’s a superstition. The individual act of voting is futile. Elections are virtually never decided by a single vote. You’re more likely to die on the way to the polling place than affect the outcome of an election. You know it’s futile. You know that in previous elections the outcome wouldn’t have been any different had you not voted. You know the same will be true for future elections.

Yes, in aggregate voting makes a difference. But that’s a different question. When you’re deciding whether to vote, you’re making an individual decision, not an aggregate one.

Perhaps you think that by voting at least you’re doing your small part, making your small contribution. But contributing toward what?

Imagine a giant siege engine that takes millions of people to push. Imagine if millions of people together purposefully pushed the engine to run over a group of innocent people tied up on the ground. Did those people die accidentally or were they murdered? If they were murdered, they were murdered by somebody. So by whom? The millions who pushed, of course. Even though any given individual’s decision whether to push or not didn’t make a difference one way or the other, every individual who pushed bears as much guilt as anybody else who pushed. Such an action is non-decisive, yet culpable at the same time.

Now imagine if there were two groups of tied-up victims. Millions are pushing the siege engine to the left, trying to steer it away from Group A and toward Group B. Millions of others are pushing to the right, away from Group B and toward Group A. One side prevails, and Group B is crushed to death. These helpless victims were murdered, just as much as the victims in the previous scenario were. By whom? By the millions who pushed the engine in their direction. This is true, even if their primary goal for pushing in that direction was to save the lives of Group A.

That’s effectively what you’re doing when you throw your weight behind a candidate or behind most forms of legislation. Candidates are package deals. Any candidate will violate the rights of some, even if they respect or defend the rights of others.

Objectors say it’s about going in the general right direction, making choices out of which the good outweighs the bad, that do a net amount of good, that is good “on balance.” But that is collectivist speak. There is no “good on balance” for the people whose lives are run over by the candidate you empowered: for the child who is bombed by Hillary’s foreign policy, for the man who shot is by Trump’s police state, or the people Gary Johnson and Bill Weld kept in cages when they were governors.

Objectors call it self-defense. But anti-war people should know better than anybody that collateral damage is never justified by self-defense. Objectors also say they are not responsible for the crimes committed by the office holders they voted for. But you can’t have it both ways. Either your vote doesn’t matter and it’s futile, or your vote matters and you’re culpable. (Although, again, I argue that you’re also culpable even though your vote is futile.)


8 thoughts on “Thinking About Voting? Read This First

  1. I have no sympathy for knee benders they are disrespectful and teaching others to be the same, how are they helping they are not. Just causing more division, do you see them cleaning up their neighborhoods? No just see a bunch of rich basturds .

  2. As there is not a dimes worth of difference between organized religion and the State, I think I have figured out something. The Old World Order is mind controlling people by “Beliefs” through religions and governments. I think that the NEW World Order is controlling people by “Force” through Corporate power.

    Larken Rose is very eloquent is speaking and describing “The State” in his videos and book “The most Dangerous Superstition”.

    I am saving this post as it will prove to be timeless.

  3. Humans are tribal animals.
    No man is an island.
    We need to belong to some type of group for survival.
    Some of the people may have to defend that group.
    This behavior is disrespectful of those who have chosen to do so.

    Notice the word defend.
    It’s not offend or resource appropriation or civilization creation or democracy spreading.
    That’s where things get blurry and good people and organizations get misused.
    People within our government have used our defenders for their own private profit and control.
    Read Smedley Butler’s “War is a Racket”.

  4. “Just as the rain dancer thinks he can summon rain that will save his crops, the voter thinks he can summon reform that will save his country.”

    The power of t.v. ‘programming’.

    “You’re more likely to die on the way to the polling place than affect the outcome of an election.”

    In which case, you could STILL vote…. Democrat, anyway.

    “Either your vote doesn’t matter and it’s futile, or your vote matters and you’re culpable. (Although, again, I argue that you’re also culpable even though your vote is futile.)”

    NAILED IT!!!!!

    This is one of the best articles on the fraudulence of voting that I’ve ever come across.

  5. I only disagree with one sentence. “in aggregate voting makes a difference”. No it does not, the electoral college elects the president, no mater what the popular vote is. It has been a scam since day one. You may as well stay home and save the gas.

  6. Black’s Law Dictionary defines the terms “U.S.”, “U.S.A.”, “United States”, “United States of America”, and “America” as a ‘corporation’.

    In Delaware (‘The First State’), the above corporation is on file as a “non-profit, **RELIGIOUS** corporation”.

    That religion is Babylonian, and is easily provable.

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