This woman has 37 acres of land, “I just walked into the municipal building and I’m gonna put a tiny home on my property, and he immediately said, Nope, you can’t do that”

One thought on “This woman has 37 acres of land, “I just walked into the municipal building and I’m gonna put a tiny home on my property, and he immediately said, Nope, you can’t do that”

  1. “Land” and “property” are not the same. To own “land, not property,” you need Allodial Title, which is nearly impossible to get these days (we tried and failed years ago). If you own “property, not land” you pay PROPERTY TAX, which means you do not totally own your “land” and youare giving govt. the right (or privilege) to decide what you can do with your property (which is one reason “zoning laws” exist). Case closed. Maybe she should try applying for Allodial Title…good luck with that.

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