Time magazine has hailed “The Great Reset” on its front cover, declaring that the global COVID-19 pandemic has created “a unique opportunity” to usher in socialism around the world.
The American weekly news magazine has devoted an entire issue to promoting an initiative called “The Great Reset.”
One commentator praised the plan as “the Green New Deal on steroids” while celebrating how such an initiative will seek to “advance socialist ideals, including the destruction of capitalism and individual rights.”
The World Economic Forum (WEF) is the primary sponsor of “The Great Reset.”
According to the WEF, it aims to address “an urgent need for global stakeholders to cooperate in simultaneously managing the direct consequences of the COVID-19 crisis,” with an expanded goal of improving “the state of the world.”
Founded by German Professor Klaus Schwab in 1971, the WEF has been gathering “heads of state, billionaires, and heads of big business” yearly to discuss “economical and governance issues… common world rules to supersede national sovereign decisions, promoting nondiscrimination, ‘to transform economies and societies.’”
The subtitle for the Time feature proposes a special occasion of the present moment for such an initiative, asserting “The COVID-19 pandemic has provided a unique opportunity to think about the kind of future we want… to share ideas for how to transform the way we live and work.”
Repeating this theme in the brief video below, Schwab announces: “The COVID-19 crisis has shown us that our old systems are not fit anymore for the 21st century.
“It has laid bare the fundamental lack of social cohesion, fairness, inclusion, and equality.
“Now is the historical moment, the time, not only to fight the virus but to shape the system … for the post COVID era…
“In short, we need a Great Reset!”
In his contribution to this special issue of Time, Prof. Schwab expands upon the meaning of “The Great Reset” in an article titled “A Better Economy Is Possible. But We Need to Reimagine Capitalism to Do It.”
This FAKE pandemic is being used to usher in the great reset.
It is so obvious, one has to be mentally deranged not to see the connection.
Sorry, but there are A LOT of mentaly deranged, willfully ignorant, dumba$$es out there.